January 2025
Non-Constitutional: Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead
Thank you for the effort of listening to the community and bringing this version to the table. I’ve navigated the page and noticed a few areas for improvement.
Arbitrum.hub The blank space for newsletter sign-ups is confusing as the characters, being white (instead of black), blend in with the background. This could reduce the number of sign-ups and, consequently, decrease the weekly newsletter’s reach. As a suggestion, the page could have a pop-up for immediate sign-ups. Also, a login on the page could help build a more comprehensive database.
Another suggestion is to have a “night mode” option to reduce eye strain. Adding a night mode can subtly enhance the page without losing Arbitrum’s identity as the colors would remain cohesive.
The differentiation between “Arbitrum Hub” and “Arbitrum Foundation” is clear and solid. I’m interested in supporting this proposal and could contribute by sharing photos/videos of events we’ve had in Mexico, communicating initiatives, and distributing various content within the page for the community.
Regarding the breakdown of roles and associated costs, I consider this an improvement in the proposal. However, I find the cost of the Community Manager (copywriting) to be quite excessive.
For now, I support this initiative. I believe the changes that could be made are minimal for the platform to function optimally.
Proposal: Arbitrum Sponsorship at RWA Paris 2025
I echo Larva’s reply and would like to learn more about the $25K breakfast, as I believe it might be an overkill. If we reduce or eliminate the breakfast from the budget, the total would be under $50K, allowing y’all to proceed with a Questbook application instead.
AIP: BOLD - permissionless validation for Arbitrum
I have voted in favor on Tally, as previously mentioned “this will fix the challenge period, preventing delay attacks and ensuring timely dispute resolution. These improvements benefit all Arbitrum users, node operators, dApps, and bridges.”
Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0
Considering that this strategy has been previously validated and that an improvement in the DAO’s stability and sustainability is expected, I vote in favor on Snapshot. Likewise, it would be beneficial to explore more decentralized solutions, utilizing on-chain tools to maximize Arbitrum’s innovative capacity.
[Non-Constitutional] DePolis, collective sensemaking for Arbitrum DAO
This would be very useful to get an idea of how the dashboard would work as a pilot test, in order to know if the investment would be worthwhile. The Notion you provided was very helpful as it segments the most relevant topics and reflects a percentage of what has generated the most noise in the proposal.
Similarly, the integration of Simscore could serve as a security measure to detect users who submit answers very similar to those of other members, that is, users who are redundant in saying the same thing using synonyms to appear different. Ultimately, this could be spam that does not benefit the DAO.
I don’t currently know how the DIP measures CR´s, but considering that Simscore can measure this, it may be useful when evaluating the value of delegates’ responses.
It would be very interesting if @ Maets23 could join the objective of this proposal and both bring an integration of both, perhaps both could present us with solutions in the next governance calls.
The Watchdog: Arbitrum DAO’s Grant Misuse Bounty Program
Vote in favor on Snapshot.
Although some questions from my initial comment were not fully addressed, I believe this will help enhance security within the ecosystem, ultimately ensuring that the DAO’s funds remain safe and the program remains sustainable. In the future, I would like to see bi-monthly reports on the progress of this proposal. Additionally, if any suspicious activity is detected, it would be ideal to notify the delegates and stakeholders promptly.
Non-Constitutional: Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead
I vote against this proposal on Snapshot. The cost is excessive and I don’t believe it’s a priority for the DAO at this time. Additionally, the initial feedback I provided regarding the platform has not been addressed, which makes me doubt the community’s input is truly being considered.
[Election & Application Thread] Arbitrum D.A.O. (Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program
Here are my votes for the Domain Allocator Election:
New Protocols and Ideas – Gabriel:
Throughout my time as a delegate, I have noticed Gabriel’s strong dedication. Besides being part of a shared group of friends, I am well aware that his academic background and his track record in decentralized finance speak good about his capabilities.
Development Tools on One and Stylus – JuanDi:
JuanDi’s dedication as the manager of this domain over the past few months has given me enough confidence to offer him my full support.
Education, Community Growth, and Events – SEEDGov:
Gianluca has always been committed to community development. Managing the DIP is no small task, and whenever I’ve had questions, his response time has been almost immediate. This gives me the confidence to support him continuing in this role.
Gaming – Erezedor:
Erezedor has an extensive background as a developer and is highly skilled with several platforms.
Arbitrum Strategic Objective Setting (SOS) – Defining the DAO’s Interim Goals
Thanks for the well designed proposal @ Entropy!
I support the initiative because it provides a clear framework for setting interim goals, ensuring the Arbitrum DAO remains focused and aligned with its long-term vision. I also like to emphasized the need for measurable objectives and accountability, both of which are crucial for the DAO’s growth. I’ve voted in favor on Snapshot.
OpCo – A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution
I have decided to vote against this proposal on Tally for the reasons I mention before:
#1 Complexity of governance:
While the participation of new users in the forum has been increasing, the attendance of new users in the call has also increased by 15% - 20% each month, which tells us about a scenario with a greater number of requests (proposals) that strengthen the DAO. The importance of an entity like OpCo for project management will be necessary but not at this time. Centralizing the entity can lend itself to favoritism regarding who obtains new contracts and which projects are given more focus.
#2 Budgetary transparency:
I understand that the budget mentioned is an approximation of the estimate based on the number of staff who will be supporting this initiative from the start. However, not knowing the authors who are going to carry out the activities raises doubts about whether these people are sufficiently qualified to perform in their area. It is also mentioned that there will be a variation in salaries if there is compliance with indicators, but these indicators have not yet been mentioned or detailed for either OpCo or OAT.
Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0
I vote in favor on Tally for the following reason:
AIP: Timeboost + Nova Fee Sweep
Voted in favor of this proposal (Snapshot) because it introduces an innovative mechanism that not only optimizes the distribution of funds collected through Nova fees but also incentivizes active community participation by rewarding users who contribute to the ecosystem.