Arbitrum Offsite format: online vs IRL

GovHack has an updated proposal for Devcon only Nov 8-10.
We believe this to be the best format to fulfil multiple needs of the DAO in a single IRL event + online facilitation before and after.

This proposal starts with a Core/Offsite day, then the Open Hackathon and Community Days.
This redesign can achieve all outcomes we have received feedback on from delegates and new talent alike.
It also includes a dedicated online programme of 4-week OnRamp activity and 4-week post-GovHack support programme which addresses a common refrain; how do keep all this amazing energy activated IRL and have people stay with Arbitrum.

Lastly it’s much cheaper, we have just completed real budgeting with suppliers here in Bangkok.

Check it out, Snapshot voting incoming

Cross-posting here to the latest version of the proposal focus on Devcon in Bangkok Nov 8-10 only for now (longer-term plans will be handled in a separate proposal):

Let us know what you think.