For context, we had been planning the offsite before Klaus’s proposal as we started discussing it since Brussels. Also, the offsite is simply a new format proposed for something we’ve been working on since January (when we started creating the strategy framework and then during the first GovHack we proposed a strategy assembly).
I see the objective of the GovHack and what we’re doing as being very different. The GovHack is more of a community event, including many people, discussing many things.
The offsite is meant to be a more convergent process, so we can define priorities, and align around what to focus on. The event component itself is only a part of it. We’ve already been doing calls with delegates to understand priorities and we ran the survey to start to align on the agenda. There’s significant work around follow up and ultimately it’s all about reaching alignment.
I don’t think advancing strategic prioritisation can be achieved with the current GovHack format.
However, both events could be combined, having one day focused on ‘offsite’ during the GovHack.
As I mentioned to @KlausBrave on telegram, we’re happy with a setup where we can facilitate a day focused on the strategy work and they’re doing everything else.