Arbitrum Offsite format: online vs IRL

The following reflects the views of the Lampros Labs DAO governance team, composed of @Blueweb, @Euphoria, and Hirangi Pandya (@Nyx), based on our combined research, analysis, and ideation.

We are voting FOR this proposal with a focus on an online event this time.

If the DAO is collaborating online and remotely, meeting offline once or several times a year for strategizing makes little sense. In-person events tend to become more exclusive, and this is a time to include rather than exclude people, especially for critical discussions like strategy.

The term ‘high-context’ participants is unclear and feel exclusive. A DAO that is still in the process of strategizing doesn’t necessarily have participants with more context than others. Anyone with the right intent can get up to speed quickly.

Similarly, focusing only on the Top 50 delegates based on monetary value is also limiting. There are individuals with equal, if not more, interest and skills who may not have high voting power but are equally valuable contributors.

We agree with L2Beat on both points. While the event itself has been the focus, there’s not enough attention on getting the right people involved.

We are voting for the proposal in the following order: