Arbitrum Research & Development Collective: Elections & Applications

The below response reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

After reviewing all the applications, we’ve decided to vote in the following way:


For the research member, we’ll be putting our full weight behind the joint application from Blockworks Research and Delphi Digital. We’ve discussed a lot of Arbitrum governance-related issues with Blockworks in the past and we’re confident in their abilities, as well as their understanding of Arbitrum’s landscape, both inside and outside of the DAO. We’re open to considering other entities in the future, should ARDC continue, but we’d rather start with them.

Risk Member

For the risk member, we’ll be voting in favor of Chaos Labs. Although it’s disheartening to see there were no other nominations for this particular role, we’re supportive of Chaos Labs and their application. Omer, the CEO of Chaos Labs is also a member of the Security Council and we’re familiar with him from those elections.


For the security member, while we fully support OpenZeppelin and Trail of Bits as industry-leaders, we’d like to three-way split our voting power to signal our support for Dedaub/Zellic, Halborn and Nethermind. They’ve already displayed initiative by reaching out to delegates to discuss what they’d like to see from the security member during its tenure at the ARDC, they seem to understand the goal of ARDC being the supporter and partner for delegates.

To our knowledge, all applicants are fully competent to serve as the security member of the ARDC and we look forward to working with all of them in the future. We believe the main avenue for all security-focused firms will be the Arbitrum DAO Procurement Committee (ADPC) and we hope to see all of them applying there as well.

Regardless of the ARDC election results, we look forward to working with all the applicants to support and secure the future of Arbitrum.

DAO Advocate

Lastly, we’ll be abstaining from the elections of the DAO Advocate role as we (alongside Ant Federation) are one of the 2 nominees.

EDIT: As there’s no separate option to abstain in this vote, we will be voting for both us and Pavel, as the outcome is technically the same.