The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We’re voting FOR the proposal on Snapshot.
Overall, having an event focused on delegates and facilitated so that crucial issues at the DAO are addressed and worked on could be a significant value-add.
However, we believe that there are many challenges to making such an event productive and valuable (such as - getting enough delegates in the room, having the right agenda and prep work done beforehand so that either some decisions can be made or the next steps can be approved, etc.). Therefore, we believe that the event doesn’t necessarily have to be in person; we could start with an online event to lower the barrier for delegates to get involved, and if we see that such a formula works and helps us move things forward, we can decide to have an in-person offsite.
As outlined by Daniel, above, our “For” vote is meant to reflect our commitment to spending the necessary time to explore the creation of a DAO Offsite. However, we want to clarify that we’re voting for the proposal as a directional signal. Should a proposal go to an on-chain vote, we’ll assess the details and vote accordingly based on its merit.