Constitutional AIP: Proposal to adopt Timeboost, a new transaction ordering policy

Please refer to the more recent and combined Timeboost+NovaFeeSweep AIP for the latest language and proposal data for Timeboost.

The primary change is that the following paragraph from this original Timeboost proposal:

“Modifications to other Timeboost parameters, including to values outside the specified ranges and to those not already listed above, but which are otherwise listed in the design specification, will require a constitutional governance vote, in accordance with the ArbitrumDAO Constitution. In cases where the ArbitrumDAO wishes to pause or disable Timeboost, the ArbitrumDAO may use the outcome of a Snapshot vote to do so (since Timeboost has an off-chain component). This special provision allows the ArbitrumDAO to react to market conditions quicker than what a Tally, on-chain vote would allow (~14 days as opposed to ~30 days).”

Has been updated to the following in the new Timeboost+NovaFeeSweep proposal:

“Should this vote pass, modifications to other Timeboost parameters, including to values outside the specified ranges and to those not already listed above, but which are otherwise listed in the design specification, will require a constitutional governance vote, in accordance with the ArbitrumDAO Constitution. In cases where the ArbitrumDAO wishes to pause or disable Timeboost, the ArbitrumDAO may use the outcome of a Snapshot vote to do so (since Timeboost has an off-chain component). This special provision allows the ArbitrumDAO to react to market conditions quicker than what a Tally, on-chain vote would allow (~14 days as opposed to ~30 days). The transfer of express lane rights will not be supported by the Arbitrum Nitro node software in the initial launch and may be implemented at a future date via a regular node upgrade. A round’s express lane controller, at their choice, can still sign transactions on behalf of others on a per-transaction basis.”