Constitutional - Extend Delay on L2Time Lock

I voted FOR this proposal as the benefits surpass the additional time it introduces.

Gm, gm! :sparkles:

The results are in for the [Constitutional] Extend Delay on L2Time Lock off-chain proposal.

See how the community voted and more Arbitrum stats:

We support this proposal. Although it will introduce delays in certain circumstances, we believe the increased security is a worthwhile tradeoff.

Treasure ARC has voted in favor of this proposal. The increase in security and flexibility for the Security Council and for users is beneficial and moving the needle on the Stage 2 Rollup metrics is aligned with Arbitrum’s longer term goals.

We support this proposal. While the proposal has little impact on the Security Council, we believe it is a positive step for users. The extension will give users extra time to protect themselves from potential risks and plan their exit strategies more easily. This is a good step that will make Arbitrum users feel more secure. Additionally, the potential to change the red circle on L2beat to yellow is an important step for Arbitrum to move into a safer rollup phase.

OpenZeppelin, the Security Member of the ARDC, reviewed this proposal for security risks. You may find our review at


I voted in favor of extending the L2 time lock as it provides necessary flexibility to respond to critical situations.

We voted FOR for this upgrade


  • The extended time lock will apply exclusively to upgrades involving critical contracts. Given Arbitrum’s current maturity and stable growth, there should be no urgent need for such critical proposals to be passed quickly
  • This proposal to increase the time lock delay strikes a reasonable balance between enhancing security and preserving the advantages of swift treasury proposals
  • ADRC review is also in favor of the proposal
  • The upgrade will help Arbitrum to have yellow rating on L2Beat from red in terms of the exit window:
    Screen Shot 2024-09-27 at 6.11.51 PM

The following reflects the views of the Lampros Labs DAO governance team, composed of @Blueweb, @Euphoria, and Hirangi Pandya (@Nyx), based on our combined research, analysis, and ideation.

We are voting FOR this proposal in Tally Voting.

Increasing the timelock delay for core upgrades is a positive advancement that reflects the current path L2s are taking. Rest our overall thoughts remain the same as expressed in our rationale during the Snapshot voting.

Voted FOR this proposal on Tally following the previous rationale and the recommendations from the ARDC.

Safety is always the first priority

Vote For. extending the time lock will grant users a better timeline to analize changes and opt in or out if they decide in either way. This for me is an enhacement for the L2.

Voted FOR on Tally

It’s a smart step towards enhancing Arbitrum’s security and governance.

We support this proposal. It benefits users by providing more time to mitigate risks and plan exits, enhancing Arbitrum’s security perception. It marks progress towards a safer stage 2 rollup environment.

voting For the current onchain proposal because this makes Arbitrum closer to become a Stage 2 Ethereum L2 network.

I voted in favor for the same reasons that I mentioned for the Snapshot vote. You can find my voting rationale here: Constitutional - Extend Delay on L2Time Lock - #17 by 0x_ultra

Regarding the Tally on-chain vote: Voted in favour for the reasons stated above.