Dedicated DAO Contributors: Enhancing live initiatives and driving key workstream

Just wanted to note thanks for the clarification on the call. That makes sense and I’m for it, I originally was concerned as I thought that this would be in addition to the monthly one. I see the value in it.

Tagging @cliffton.eth and/or @AlexLumley — can we add a discussion thread for the monthly one in the same manner as the Bi-Weekly’s Latest Governance/Biweekly Proposals Discussions Call topics - Arbitrum. It probably can just go there (unless this is already happening elsewhere in the forum, and I missed it)

As for Thrive, I guess the crux of me bringing that up is asking however if you two think this is something you could have prevented. It sounds like no based on the response? Is that out of scope issue of the project, or some other reason? I say that fully understanding the limitations around KYC items, but as noted with the Delegate / Builder / Contributor problem I think this situation is one of the issues that leads to that. As far as I know, many delegates weren’t aware this was happening and we had builders in this scenario who seem to be (rightfully or wrongly) upset with the experience. I bring up this specifically as it was sort of the example that was actively being discussed and relevant at the time of my post. I have seen other examples of this too so I bring it up not as just a one-off issue.

Apologies if that wasn’t clear, but the goal of the question was more of a “if you were in this role at the time, what would you have done” more so then a “what happened here” summary. For example - would you have proactively contacted Thrive in April so they understood how KYC / grant allocation has to be done to avoid delays like this? Would you have made the DAO aware this was going on, if so at what point? Would the Wikipedia address this type of thing? Would you be objectively fact checking the proposal made in the restitution post that is going to vote? Is this a discussion you’d bring to the DAO for problem resolution in the future? Things like that, if that makes sense.

Edit: I’ll bring up another example, if you’d rather address the same question above but on a different topic since you were involved with the Thrive project. LTIPP Retroactive Grants - LTIPP Retroactive Community Funding - #55 by Bob-Rossi. My thoughts are there, but relevant to this post I think this is another clear example of where the Delegate / Builder / Contributor triangle all left that process ‘frustrated/losing faith/disengaged’. As IMO no retroactive grants were funded not due to quality of work but administrative issues. IF this was active what would you / Alex have done to avoid this?

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