Karpatkey Delegate Communication Thread

Voting Actions January 27th - 31st

Proposal: Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead
Vote: Against
Reasoning: While we believe ArbitrumHub provides meaningful value to the community by simplifying access to key information for users and builders, we voted against the proposal in its current format. Coordinating various marketing initiatives under a unified strategy is essential to ensure a more cohesive and effective approach to ecosystem growth.

Proposal: Arbitrum Strategic Objective Setting (SOS) – Defining the DAO’s Interim Goals
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for the Arbitrum Mission, Vision and Purpose initiative, we believe Strategic Objective Settings is a valuable next step to finding coordination and implementing effective execution within the DAO.

Voting Actions February 3rd - 7th

Proposal: Approve the Nova Fee Sweep Action
Vote: For
Reasoning: We are in favour of collecting the Nova fees and transferring them to the DAO treasury.

Proposal: OpCo: A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for the OpCo initiative, we voted in favour. We believe better coordination among DAO delegates and service providers would enable the DAO to deliver better results, more efficiently. The OpCo initiative aims to make this happen.

Proposal: Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for the STEP program, we voted in favour.