[NFTEarth] [FINAL] [STIP - Round 1]

Edit: There is as attempt to suppress this post by the NFTEarth Team. I am updating it as it provides extensive documentation relevant to the proposal and allocation of grant funds.

There is extensive documentation around Weston’s misdeeds as part of L2DAO, LFGrow, and NFTEarth. Detailing it all below and adding additional evidence based on my own onchain research.


Background and History

  1. L2DAO and Weston were caught dumping and bridging OP grant funds to Arbitrum and misrepresenting the circumstances to governance to avoid accountability
  2. L2DAO and Weston were caught granting themselves and dumping additional OP funds through NFTEarth and LFGrow multisigs they controlled, funneling funds to team addresses
  3. L2DAO and Weston failed to disclose its loss 10% of total L2DAO token supply until those tokens were accessed and dumped under suspicious circumstances

New Developments

Recent Findings

  • L2DAO and NFTEarth teams have promoted and sold utility NFTs while undisclosed using admin mint functions to mint themselves hundreds of NFTs
  • These NFTs appear to manipulate DAO voting, redirect OP voting rewards to personal wallets, are sold to fund a sybil network designed to earn NFTE airdrops and engage in suspicious NFTE trading
  • Admin mints reveal potential Weston alt accounts like 0xAdvetuer and RingoRollup used to imply to the L2DAO community that Weston the was not the sole proposer of grants to LFGrow and NFTEarth


  • Weston Nelson: Team/multisig member of LFGrow and NFTEarth, former team member of L2DAO that was removed after initial allegations were made. His doxxed wallet was responsible for initiating almost every transaction detailed below and his likely secondary multisig wallet is often used as a second signer.

Recent Finding Details

L2STATEOFMIND AdminMint Used to Dilute Holders, Sybil Airdrop, Funnel Rewards to Team, Washtrade

  • L2STATEOFMIND NFTs were extensively promoted as NFTs designed to allow L2DAO members to vote on which projects got OP grant funds, received OP airdrops for each voting cycle, and that wouldallow holders to earn double revenue share from the protocol.
  • L2DAO Team multisig minted $25,000 worth (~12% of total supply) L2STATEOFMIND NFTs to L2DAO/NFTEarth/LFGrow Team and Weston linked addresses over a series of months.
  • A portion of these were minted to newly created EOA wallets linked through the flow of funds to his addresses and a Coinbase deposit address used by him to L2DAO/NFTEarth/LFGrow team member Weston Nelson in small batches, seemingly to avoid detection.
  • These wallets were then used as part of a sybil network apparently designed to vote OP grants for his projects, siphon off Optimism Grant voting rewards to personal wallets, and potentially sybil his own NFTEarth airdrop.
  • Once the voting rewards program and airdrop were complete, a NFTEarth trading contest was launched allowing many of these NFTs to be dumped juicing the marketplace stats and giving the sybil network more funds to engage in manipulative NFTEarth trading.
  • Another portion of these (~100) were minted directly to a NFTEarth multisig before days later being returned to the L2DAO multisig demonstrating the L2DAO team was aware and issued no disclosure of the events
  • This could suggest that Weston minted these 100 NFTs without team permission, something reinforced by the comments to Exosphere, resulting in an ongoing cover up by the team. One they maintain even after being publicly informed of the abuse.

FEW22 AdminMint Used to Dilute Holders, Sybil Airdrop, Funnel Rewards to Team, Washtrade

  • FEW22 NFTs were extensively promoted, sold with a promise of giving holders “additional utility” on NFTEarth that has never actually been delivered
  • Team minted $65,000 worth of FEW22 NFTs (~43% of the complete collection) to team addresses and Weston linked wallets, even as team continued to promote the mint
  • Following a similar pattern as with the L2STATEOFMIND NFTs, some were minted to newly created EOA wallets linked to Weston and some directly to NFTEarth controlled multisigs
  • Many of the same addresses received both the L2STATEOFMIND NFT as well as the FEW22 NFTs and engaged in the same wash trade and Sybil activities.


  • EARTHLINGS are an NFT collection introduced by NFTEarth with the promise of the ability to stake the NFTs to earn protocol revenue and NFTE token rewards
  • NFTEarth team has minted at least 400 EARTHLINGS to its team multisig without disclosing this to its community
  • Based on previous behavior with L2STATEOFMIND and FEW22, seems like other mints need to reviewed for potential fraudulent or sybil mints

The minting of these NFTs to team addresses reveals a sophisticated interconnected sybil network that connects directly to a Weston used Coinbase deposit address.


Hi all,

All information posted here will be available to delegates, so they can review and decide for themselves. I’d like to ask for no more back/forth on the above discussion. Let’s stick strictly to the proposal at hand. I’ve reduced ability to post to every 30 minutes for now.


Hey Pat !! Our main developer Jerome met with you at EthCC in Africa.

We would like to let you know that this topic is part of the main reason why we are hesitant to build in the Arbitrum ecosystem…

Not only has the project tainted the Arbitrum ecosystem they have deceived the grants program here in the most recent round of Gitcoin grants by hiding their track record from the OP Gov ecosystem.

I think it’s important to take a closer look at this and realize how it may be hurting the overall ecosystem of Arbitrum in the long run.

Until this issue becomes resolved we will hold off on any further development decisions. It is pertinent that the ecosystem is not ran by bad actors.


A bit of an odd comment from @FractalVisions - I will simply discredit this with facts and again try to stay on point here, this comment does not add anything positive to the discussion here being that the topic at hand is catalyzing NFT growth on Arbitrum.

But regardless…

Would you building a competing NFT marketplace on Optimism lead to any potential major conflict of interest here? Yes.

Was it further confirmed that you received payment that was undisclosed by you from the Velodrome team to work on an NFT marketplace to compete with NFTEarth? Yes.

What have you built on Arbitrum?

You were you formally suspended from Optimism as a Delegate for a severe violation of the Code of Conduct? Yes.

Here is a link to the onchain vote passed by OP Delegates for your suspension. It’s bad enough to do what you have done already, then randomly pop in to add additional off-topic and inaccurate information.

This comment is completely baseless - and really, doesn’t even make sense, as again we as a team nor any individuals have nothing to cover up , there were no penalties or even statements of wrongdoing in any form whatsoever, just accusations from you, Dicasso, and other competing parties. I think it is clear how the real bad actors - and who they are - try to use these forums in a way that brings zero benefit to the intended discussion.


Reputation is important in crypto. I think the amount being asked for (195,000 ARB) is far to large given their past abuse. The projects history of grant misuse on Optimism is extremely relevant here, and we should respect the evidence being presented - It’s pretty sad to see a lot of legit comments (including my own) being flagged and deleted in a blatant attempt to control the narrative here.

If they lied to the OP delegates and community than we can expect the same behavior here as past behavior is a pretty good indicator of future intentions. After looking at the hard facts I will vote NO on this proposal.


Please provide evidence for this claim.

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All information is already here on the thread for delegates to consider. All future comments MUST focus on the topic at hand. Any continuation of accusations, on either side, will be deleted.


Hello @NFTEarth,

Now that your application has been marked eligible, please be advised of the remaining steps in the application process to be completed prior to the Review Period Deadline:

Please complete the following steps required for your application to proceed to Snapshot:

Once you change your proposal title to final, please tag an Arbitrum Foundation Forum Moderator (@ stonecoldpat @ cliffton.eth @ eli_defi) by the Review Period deadline to notify them of your proposal’s readiness.

Once marked as [Final], your application post will be locked by moderators and you will no longer be able to edit your proposal.


@NFTEarth Here is the updated process for changing your title.

To change your proposal to final, please tag an Arbitrum Foundation Forum Moderator (@ stonecoldpat @ cliffton.eth @ eli_defi) by the Review Period deadline to notify them of your proposal’s readiness to proceed from [Draft] to [Final] status.

Once notified, the Arbitrum Foundation Forum Moderator will adjust your title from [Draft] to [Final] status. Once marked as [FInal], your application post will be locked by moderators and you will no longer be able to edit your proposal.


Thank you Matt.

Hi @stonecoldpat @cliffton.eth @eli_defi

We are ready to proceed from [Draft] to [Final] - and make Arbitrum the centerpiece of NFT activity across all of web3 :slight_smile:


First of all, we thank you for your proposal. When we reviewed your suggestions, we appreciated your intention to improve the NFT market on Arbitrum and encourage new entries to this market. However, when we did some research on the important figures behind the project, we came across some not-so-positive information, which shattered our confidence.

As a result, we have decided to vote ‘Against’ this proposal.