Non-Constitutional AIP: Ecosystem Security Fund

Thank you for the elaborate proposal @Sherlock


  • Am I correct in understanding that the council proposed here will superseed other applications such as Non-Constitutional AIP: Arbitrum Security Enhancement Fund ?

  • Could you throw some light on how successful were these audits conducted by Sherlock in preventing vulnerabilities, especially high-severity ones?

  • What specific metrics and data points will be included in the quarterly reports to evaluate the program’s effectiveness? How will transparency be ensured in reporting?

  • The proposal mentions that after 12 months, a decision will be made on whether to continue or adjust the program. What criteria will be used to make this decision?

General Feedback

  • It would be beneficial to have some clarity on the process for selecting members of the Audit Council, including how they will be appointed and their roles in decision-making.
  • Consider adding more details on how the Audit Council will handle conflicts of interest, ensuring that Sherlock’s participation in the approval process doesn’t compromise fairness.
  • A timeline for the proposal’s implementation, detailing key milestones and deadlines would offer clear accountability and clarity to the overall execution
  • Maybe adding a section on risk mitigation strategies in case the demand for audits significantly exceeds expectations