[Non-Constitutional] Arbitrum Token Swap Pilot Program

I want to share two views on this proposal.
One is mine as an independant delegate in the Arbitrum DAO while the other is from the view of APE (Aave Protocol Embassy), and active Arbitrum Delegate formed by Aave DAO participants like Delegates and Service Provider.

Personal view:
This proposal is great, it brings in a lot value, is strengthening partnerships and the ecosystem overall. It is showing alingment with these protocols and hopefully everyone can benefit from these kind of actions.

APE member view:
The proposed criteria to be eligible for a token swap seem to be only focusing on “Arbitrum first” projects. While on the on hand I do understand this approach, this also creates a problem. The Arbitrum DAO is missing out on other protocols that may have not been natively deployed on Arbitrum but did this at a later stage, like Aave did.
Aave is the biggest lending protocol on Arbitrum, its has most liquidity locked in Defi on Arbitrum (Source: Defillama) and is already an active participant in the Arbitrum DAO with APE (Aave Protocol Embassy Delegate Communication Thread).

Loosing this kind of opportunities give the DAO a bad look imho.
And I am sure there are also other great protocols that may would be active in governance after a token swap. Which would help the DAO to create a better balance, because currently this is not the case.