[Non-Constitutional] Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget

We support this proposal unequivocally.

It’s difficult to understand as a DAO participant exactly how much the Arbitrum Foundation does for the betterment of the DAO. Are they perfect? No. But are they more transparent (and under resourced…) when compared to other foundations in the industry? Yes.

The foundation’s ability to remain competitive in the battle for partnerships is, in our opinion, of utmost importance for Arbitrum’s continued success. It is worth noting that members of our team have historically been critical of the Arbitrum Foundation, as made evident by actions taken over AIP-1. We do not take the decision to top up the Foundation’s budget lightly, but with all things considered, we believe this proposal does more in pushing the Arbitrum DAO forward than any drawbacks associated with its passing.

If a majority of the community is for some reason against this proposal, an alternative approach could be to accelerate the Foundation’s vest in order to free up budget for deals in the short-to-medium term. Considering the lack of overall token supply held by the Arbitrum Foundation when compared to other foundations in the industry, we prefer the proposal as written. However, we wanted to point this out as an option just in case.