[Non-Constitutional] [RFC] Arbitrum D.A.O. (Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program - Season 3

The following reflects the views of the Lampros DAO (formerly ‘Lampros Labs DAO’) governance team, composed of Chain_L (@Blueweb), @Euphoria, and Hirangi Pandya (@Nyx), based on our combined research, analysis, and ideation.

We are voting FOR the “Renew with 5 domains (adding the Orbit domain)” option in the Snapshot voting.

Overall, this proposal is well-thought-out, and we look forward to Season 3 of this program.

As mentioned in our comment during the proposal discussion:

We believe the Orbit chain should receive the same amount as the other domains. Considering the program’s duration of one year, this amount would be more appropriate for Season 3.

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