[Non-constitutional] Subsidy Fund for Security Services

For snapshot, voting “for” on 2 cohort of 8 weeks for 5M arb.

I partially share some concerns about the size, and dao wanting to first try with a lower amount. But, I think 2 months are just not enough. Audits can potentially be complex as a process, in 60 days we might just not encounter enough different situations to properly assess the best way to operate.

On the whitelisting of operators. I agree that there can be a concern about ADPC whitelisting operators.
But I also know security is hard, and there are few people who actually know security, both in holistic terms and in specific, vertical terms. I used to work in cyber threat intelligence myself before larping as a cow on the internet, and want to touch this.

There is a merit in what flip said. But there is also a merit in understanding that a “simple” election from the dao on people able to vet security expert is in my opinion not feasible.
Either we pre fetch strong candidates, publicly known workers in the security fields and make them run (but, a figure like this one, who can clearly contribute to protocols and ecosystems with just their own means and skills, why should it take the hassle to run an election?), or we trust adpc, or we find something in the middle which I don’t know what it could be.

I personally feel this is one of the situation in which a democratized vote is less positive than an intelligence dictator stepping in so to say.
Optimistic challenge can make sense to exclude vendors proposed. Would it work to include new ones tho? Don’t think so.

This could make a lot of sense. But the composition of this committee, while lighter in requirements compared to the above, is still subject to issue because there is the need of a certain background imho.

This is logic but i personally disagree. I interpret the current snapshot as a sentiment check, and also a reference number that the program can obtain if X, Y, Z, K is solved. I think, to fetch good experts, knowing what the budget is is mandatory. I don’t personally mind having a decision process in snapshot, that clears partially the sky for further discussion and decision process before tally.

To conclude, I totally understand why there is a lot of fuss around economics. Makes sense. But the topic requires somehow a differnt approach from the usual being very specific, and needs some steering from the usual way the DAO is used to work due to the necessity of several professional figures and vendors being integrated in the program.

This doesn’t mean we have a white page on which we can write whatever, there are stuff to solve like for example a committee for deciding the receivers of the funds for audits, and a way to onboard security expert (i don’t like elections on this as i explained but also i don’t currently have an answer).