[Non-Constitutional] Turbocharge Arbitrum DAO offchain governance

For such a small amount of money for DAO (and in fact it will be Foundation), these are good advantages.

As for the length of the text - after all, writing 40,000 characters in Snapshot is too much. It is enough to provide a link to the forum, and in the voting text provide the main part, what is proposed to vote for. Most will not be able to read so much text.


@Arbitrum @raam @cliffton.eth could any of you give an expectation of when this would be done by the Arbitrum Foundation? Thank you!

hey, it should be ready in a week or so


No brainer, cost are negligible, benefit is well explained.
One of the rarer spendings in the DAO im fully supportive of.

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makes sense to me. The 10k character limit is a pain

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Turbo is ON and Arbitrum DAO is number 1 on Snapshot.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :tada: