@AbdullahUmar - We won’t as, to be quite frank, this proposal (discussions, liasing w/stakeholders, delegates, contributors, CC & DEF, outside counsel of our own etc.), took up quite a bit of billable hours on my team’s end that I naturally cannot afford to do on a continuous basis. The total cost on our end to get this proposal to Snapshot was 10k+ (in consideration of the factor aforementioned - but this is primarily billable hours + outside US Counsel which is naturally not free of charge - we are not US Lawyers, but have US Partners we utilise when we have US Inquiries).
Hence, unfortunately, our firm will not be serving as a liaison between the parties. However, I am sure that CC & DEF will not have any issues w/establishing a channel of communication w/the ArbitrumDAO - such as a monthly update call for example or some other form.
I hope that clarifies our position
To add; we did not (and won’t) request a reimbursement or a payment for this - we deem the above as an indirect contribution from our end to this cause.