Thanks for your response! This is indeed an important conversation we need to be having, as we wouldn’t want to land up in a situation where we get a slew of individual projects for the DAO to fund and we do so based not on strategy or needs assessment but on lobbying abilities of teams.
This sounds correct in theory but has not borne out in practice. For example, would @AlexLumley have worked on the STIP backfund if Savvy was not one of those that benefited from its passage? Questionable.
Would we have had the ARDC if the original @BlockworksResearch proposal for an Arbitrum Coalition was passed? Probably not
Would STIP have taken place if the @Camelot original proposal passed? Doubtful
In all these 3 cases, the DAO benefited from rejecting the funding request of an individual venture. Not to say that it’ll be the case here too, but the numbers are on our side so the burden is on you to prove otherwise.
The incentives for people to work on frameworks are almost non-existent. The only ones we have seen are either those referenced above where teams work on a framework to receive funding for their project from the DAO, or having Working Groups like ours specifically paid to create them
I’d be curious to know how you think the passage of this proposal will help in the creation of the much discussed gaming STIP, instead of just creating a race to the finish where every team is now working on their own separate proposal because they see you successfully get direct funding.