TMC’s Proposed Allocations

I am voting for the “deploy nothing” option in Snapshot.

From my point of view, the committee was established to provide recommendations on treasury management strategies. I don’t understand why they are including options that they don’t fully support. If the TMC recommends voting NO on the ARB strategy due to risk management concerns, then why include it as a voting option? I believe this undermines the purpose of having the TMC evaluate and recommend treasury management strategies to the DAO.

I also agree with other delegates’ comments on using the ranked choice voting. This methodology is inappropriate for non mutually exclusive options and it creates a bias toward implementing strategies that may not have majority support.

As stated in the this week’s proposal discussion call, if the “deploy nothing” option is selected in the first rank, the TMC would propose a different set of strategies. This would provide an opportunity to the TMC to present only strategies they fully endorse and believe to be the best recommendations while also applying appropriate voting methodologies.

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