0xTALVO.ETH_MTY Delegate Communication Thread

June 2024

Tally: Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime
By developing a user-friendly interface that enables direct L1 transaction submissions during Sequencer downtimes, the proposal addresses a critical vulnerability in the Arbitrum network.

With a proven track record in blockchain infrastructure, WakeUp Labs guarantees a robust, open-source solution that other teams can deploy independently, further strengthening the network’s reliability and trustless security. This initiative is crucial for maintaining operational integrity and user autonomy.

AIP: Support RIP-7212 for Account Abstraction Wallets (ArbOS 30)
Im voting FOR…

A widely used signature in passkeys and secure enclaves. This aligns with Ethereum’s standards and promotes accessibility, as it simplifies secure transactions without the need for users to manage private keys manually. Additionally, this upgrade ensures high security by leveraging secure enclaves, making everyday use of passkey-based wallets feasible.

Proposal [Non-Constitutional]: Set up a Sub-Committee for the Security Services Subsidy Fund
Voted “for” The sub-committee will efficiently manage $2.5 million in subsidies, selecting deserving security service providers through a rigorous evaluation process. This will ensure high-quality security services, fostering a safer, more reliable environment for all Arbitrum users.

Constitutional AIP - Security Council Improvement Proposal
Voted “For”
By increasing the threshold of the non-emergency Security Council to 9/12, the proposal effectively addresses the identified risks associated with the current multisig setup. This change will enhance the security and reliability of Arbitrum’s upgradeability mechanism, providing a robust safeguard against potential malicious upgrades. This proposal not only fortifies Arbitrum’s security infrastructure but also reaffirms its dedication to upholding high standards of decentralization and user protection.

Catalyze Gaming Ecosystem Growth on Arbitrum
Voted “For”…
The strategic allocation of resources, coupled with transparent oversight and robust support mechanisms, will undoubtedly position Arbitrum as a leader in web3 gaming. This initiative is an exciting opportunity for the community and promises significant advancements in the gaming vertical.

[Non-Constitutional] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Venture Initiative
Voted “For”… The pilot aims to refine investment strategies, identify key sectors, and align stakeholders, laying a solid foundation for effective and impactful venture development within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

AIP: Activate Stylus and Enable Next-Gen WebAssembly Smart Contracts (ArbOS 30)
Voted “for”… This upgrade reduces costs, enhances security, and expands developer accessibility, making Arbitrum more inclusive and competitive. Stylus retains full interoperability with existing EVM contracts, fostering innovation without disrupting current operations.

AIP: Nova Fee Router Proposal (ArbOS 30)
Voted “For”. From Nova to the Arbitrum DAO Treasury, enhancing accessibility and efficiency. By automating these transfers, the DAO benefits from faster fund availability, reduced quorum requirements, and simplified bookkeeping, thereby improving overall governance and operational effectiveness.

[Non-Constitutional] Pilot Stage: Treasury Backed Vaults research and development
This proposal is very interesting, more efficient treasury management for Arbitrum DAO by enabling stablecoin borrowing against ARB assets without liquidation risks. It enhances financial flexibility for grants, investments, and operations, ensuring access to capital while preserving ARB value. The research, development, and audit phases ensure robust, secure implementation, ultimately benefiting the DAO with diversified funding options.

Pilot Phase: M&A for Arbitrum DAO
The pilot phase for Arbitrum DAO’s M&A unit is essential for informed decision-making, offering strategic analysis and stakeholder alignment without significant upfront costs. This 8-week trial by experienced M&A professionals will provide valuable insights, minimizing risks and ensuring the DAO is well-prepared to leverage M&A for ecosystem growth and competitive advantage.

Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives (UPDATED)
Viewing it as vital for Arbitrum’s growth, we approve the funding, akin to our stance on the Curve proposal. Efforts to incorporate delegate feedback are appreciated. Our concern lies in user retention post-incentive program, but we anticipate continued development of Arbitrum native products and ongoing multi-chain strategy improvements.

AIP: BOLD - permissionless validation for Arbitrum
BOLD allows for permissionless validation, removing the reliance on a permissioned set of validators and enhancing decentralization. It also fixes the challenge period, preventing delay attacks and ensuring timely dispute resolution. These improvements benefit all Arbitrum users, node operators, dApps, and bridges.

AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator
This proposal ensures the Arbitrum network’s security and functionality by funding the first BoLD validator. It leverages the Arbitrum Foundation’s resources to kickstart the process, minimizing risk and setting a precedent for other validators. The DAO retains control over the funds, ensuring transparency and accountability. This foundational step fosters network stability and encourages further participation.

[Non-Constitutional] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Venture Initiative
This proposal leverages extensive community feedback and expert input to create a robust strategy for the Arbitrum Venture Initiative (AVI). It addresses key pain points in venture development, providing a pilot phase to refine investment strategies, engage stakeholders, and ensure thorough analysis. The proposed pilot ensures a well-informed, efficient launch, maximizing strategic value and long-term impact for the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Proposal [Non-Constitutional]: Defending Open Source: A United Stand for Developer Rights and Software Freedom
What inspired you to propose the ArbitrumDAO’s contribution to DEF and Coin Center for supporting software developers’ rights and the right to privacy?

ARB is for the people
What inspired the Boopers to propose the quarterly purchase of BOOP, and how do they envision this action will reshape the Arbitrum DAO and its community dynamics?

Betting on Builders: Infinite Launchpad Proposal
Its broad approach could dilute focus and resources, leading to inefficient capital allocation. The lack of immediate funding for all programs and reliance on strict oversight might slow progress. Additionally, the ambitious scope risks overextending Arbitrum’s strategic priorities and could complicate execution.

ARB Staking: Unlock ARB Utility and Align Governance
Sounds interesting… This mechanism not only rewards stakeholders but also addresses the issue of declining voter participation, thereby strengthening the DAO’s defense against potential attacks and promoting long-term ecosystem health.

Improving Predictability in Arbitrum DAO’s Operations
:+1: Agree on setting a regular voting schedule and implementing a holiday break,

it ensures more effective participation and prevents burnout.

Additionally, the delegate approval process can enhance proposal quality, fostering a more organized and efficient governance system without incurring any costs.

Improving Predictability in Arbitrum DAO’s Operations
Good idea @ GFXlabs :+1: because it enhances the governance process by using visual cues and incentives to ensure compliance with the voting calendar. Brightly colored banners and non-recognition of off-schedule proposals help delegates manage their workload effectively, maintaining order and predictability in the voting process without requiring complex enforcement mechanisms.

Constitutional AIP: Proposal to adopt Timeboost, a new transaction ordering policy
I believe the adoption of Timeboost is a beneficial move for Arbitrum, as it not only addresses MEV-related challenges but also creates a sustainable revenue stream for the DAO. I agree with @ cp0x suggestion to distribute ARB proceeds to stakers, which fosters community engagement and aligns incentives without reducing the ARB supply through burning.

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