13 Aug 2024 - Open Discussion of Proposals Governance Call

Hey folks,

The link to join tomorrow’s governance call to discuss the proposal pipeline and notable discussions is on the governance calendar .

Date: August 13, 2024

Time: 16:00 - 17:00 UTC

Link to join: https://meet.google.com/kvr-bpnx-zix

The agenda below will be fluid. For authors and/or key contributors of these proposals, it would be helpful if you could include a tl;dr / update of your proposal / discussion in the comments so delegates can review them and prepare their questions for the call.

Since authors of most proposals that are in the voting phase have already gone through tl;dr’s and responded to questions in previous sessions, the call will be used to cover ‘notable discussions’ on proposals.

Tentative Agenda

Proposals up for voting

Onchain AIPs

Offchain Temperature Checks

Notable Discussions

General Updates

If anyone has any other items to add, please comment below so they can be added to the agenda.

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Hey everyone, here’s the recording of the session from yesterday’s call!


Below are three additional items to make it easier for delegates to process the information from the meeting.

We aim to make calls and meetings more efficient for delegates and improve the access to information while reducing overwhelm. If you have ideas on how to do this please us know!

Summary and Takeaways of Open Discussion of Proposal(s) - Bi-weekly Governance Call (2024-08-14 00:05 GMT+8)

The Arbitrum Foundation discussed several on-chain proposals, including the Bianca upgrade, multi-sig support service, and funding requests for Entropy. The Bianca upgrade includes three components and has hit quorum. The multi-sig proposal also has majority support. Entropy’s funding request is $100,000 monthly, scaling to $200,000 if the team grows to seven members. The ARB token unlock proposal is in its final stages, with voting ending soon. The Rari governance token upgrade proposal requires a 5% quorum. The onboarding working group’s final report highlighted the need for more hands-on assistance. The foundation also discussed funding requests for the first bond validator and upcoming security council elections.

Keywords: proposal, dao, governance, chain, delegates, arb, voting, ecosystem, treasury, forum, audit, call, ethereum, vote, work, post, tally, questions, topics


Action Items

  • Review the ARB taking unlock ARB utility and aligned governance proposal by Tally. Voting ends August 16th.
  • Review the transparency and standardized metrics for orbit chains proposal from GrowThePie. Voting ends August 18th.
  • Post any questions about the Rari governance token upgrade proposal to the forum thread.
  • Look out for the STIP bridge OPEX costs proposal coming to the forum.


Arbitrum Foundation’s On-Chain Proposals Overview

  • Cliffton Lee introduces the meeting and shares his screen to discuss ongoing on-chain AIPs.
  • The first proposal discussed is the ArbOS 31 bundle, including the Bianca upgrade, stylus support, and NOAA fee router proposal.
  • The proposal has hit quorum and has majority support, with voting ending in two days.

Arbitrum Multisig on Tally by Frisson of Tally

  • The second proposal is by Entropy to set up a multi-sig support service, which has also hit quorum and has majority support.

Entropy’s Funding Request and Proposal Details by Matt Fiebach

  • Cliffton Lee introduces the next proposal by Entropy for funding to work exclusively with the Arbitrum DAO for a year, including a 1.5 billion ORB bonus.
  • Matt Fiebach from Entropy explains the funding structure and scope of work, emphasizing the focus on benefiting the DAO.
  • The proposal is close to hitting quorum, with 60% of the votes in, and Matt encourages voting if not done already.
  • Cliffton Lee opens the floor for questions, but none are raised, and the discussion moves on.

Tally ARB Staking Proposal: Active Temperature Checks and Proposal Updates

  • Cliffton Lee discusses the ARB taking unlock ARB utility and aligned governance proposal by Tally, with voting ending in two days.
  • Frisson from TallyXYZ provides feedback on the proposal, clarifying the trust model of the smart contracts and the redelegation process.
  • The proposal is in the development stage, with a separate proposal scheduled for October to implement the system.
  • Cliffton Lee asks for questions, but none are raised, and the discussion moves on to the next topic.

Snapshot on Transparency and Metrics for Orbit Chains by GrowThePie

  • Cliffton Lee introduces a snapshot proposal by GrowThePie to list at least 20 chains on GrowThePie with a minimum TVL of 1 million USD.
  • The proposal includes basic and economic metrics, aiming to keep costs low and provide transparency.
  • Matt and Tobias from GrowThePie explain the proposal, emphasizing the importance of economic metrics and the need for a data platform.
  • The proposal includes specific metrics for Arbitrum, such as the amount of fees paid back to Arbitrum for settlement.

Governance Analytics Dashboard Proposal by Curia

  • Cliffton Lee introduces a snapshot proposal by Curia to build a governance analytics dashboard.
  • The dashboard aims to enhance transparency and understanding of voting behavior within the DAO.
  • The proposal complements existing tools like Karma and provides a broader view of governance metrics.
  • The dashboard will be publicly accessible and include a public API for community use.

Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Proposal by Rodrigo Vazquez, Ethereum Foundation

  • Rodrigo from the Ethereum Foundation discusses the proposal to sponsor the Ethereum protocol attackathon.
  • The proposal aims to scale up incentives and attention around Ethereum security, with a focus on education and creating educational materials.
  • The first audit contest will cover a larger scope than future contests, with plans to run similar contests in the future.
  • Cliffton Lee encourages reviewing the proposal and asks for questions, with a focus on the marketing benefits and the potential for paying out bounties in ARB.

Delegate Incentive System Extension Proposal by SeedGov

  • Cliffton Lee introduces a proposal by SeedGov to extend the delegate incentive system for six months.
  • The proposal aims to extend the program without additional costs, with the multi-sig having enough funds to cover the extension.
  • The proposal is live on Snapshot and will go live on Thursday, with voting encouraged.
  • Cliffton Lee asks for questions, but none are raised, and the discussion moves on.

Upgrading Rari Governance Token on Arbitrum

  • Jana and Eugene from Rari discuss the proposal to upgrade the Rari governance token on Arbitrum.
  • The current token model is expensive and complex, with a need to upgrade to a multi-chain governance model.
  • The proposal includes deploying the upgraded token on Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Chain, with custom mapping in the Arbitrum native bridge.
  • The proposal requires a 5% quorum to meet, and the Rari team is open to feedback and questions.

Conflict of Interest and Self-Voting Policy Proposal by Entropy

  • Matt from Entropy discusses the proposal to create a conflict of interest and self-voting policy.
  • The proposal outlines the pros and cons of adopting a formal policy, with options ranging from no formal guidelines to strict policies.
  • The proposal aims to gather opinions from delegates on the issue, with plans to refine the language and roll it up into a formal delegate code of conduct.
  • The proposal is live on Snapshot and will go live on Thursday, with voting encouraged.

Onboarding Working Group Final Report by Rika of 404 DAO

  • Rika from Four Four DAO shares updates from the onboarding working group on their final report.
  • The group created fellowships to help onboard people into the Arbitrum DAO, but realized the need for more hands-on assistance.
  • The next phase will focus more on educational pieces, including workshops and mentorships, with plans to bring in SMEs within the DAO.
  • The working group is looking for new members with onboarding experience and encourages reaching out for more information.

Foundation’s Funding Requests and Security Council Elections by Cliffton

  • Cliffton Lee provides updates on the foundation’s funding requests for running the first bond validator and operational costs.
  • The foundation is working on a tele draft for the proposal, expected to hit the Tally UI next week.
  • Updates on the security council elections are provided. Nominees can put in their profiles on September 15, and voting starts on September 22.
  • The election process will follow the previous two rounds, with compliance checks and a second round of elections.

ADPC and ARDC Updates by Siddharth Shah from Areta

  • Siddharth Shah from Areta provides updates on the ADPC, including the final stages of whitelisting security service providers and the subsidy fund running by next month.
  • An extension proposal for the ADPC term is coming soon, with feedback from delegates being incorporated.
  • Krzysztof from L2Beat mentions the ARDC term is coming to an end, with a follow-up proposal coming soon.
  • Cliffton Lee and Chris discuss the need for a new multisig for ARDC and the transition process.

Administrative Updates and Proposal Queue by Cliffton

  • Cliffton Lee provides updates on the forum, mentioning the removal of spam posts and the implementation of a queue for proposal posts.
  • The forum will not be gatekeepers unless posts contain malicious links or misrepresentation of information.
  • Alex Lumley and Matthew Stein mention an upcoming proposal for the STIP bridge OPEX costs, with funds already paid by the Treasury and waiting to be dispersed.
  • Cliffton Lee encourages everyone to look out for the proposal and provides contact information for further questions.
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