Adding a Security SME to the ADPC

The UADP voted FOR this proposal as the ADPC’s decision to onboard DeDaub was a result of feedback from delegates. The cost seems to be reasonable, and we appreciate the team for turning to the DAO for incorporating this addendum to the original proposal.

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After consideration Treasure’s Arbitrum Representative Council (ARC) would like to share the following feedback on the proposal

We have voted FOR this proposal on Snapshot. DeDaub is a high quality service provider who we enjoyed engaging with as part of the ARDC Service Provider selection process. The price is reasonable and responsibilities and rational clear.

For tracking purposes, I’m copying the reasoning given on my snapshot vote:

Reason: While the reasoning makes sense, the ADPC was created to prevent ad-hoc solutions. IMO, this addition should go through an RFP as well

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