[ALAYA] [FINAL] [STIP - Round 1]

Thank you sir. I just wanna make sure of the steps and rules about voting.

  1. Will the final submission be migrated to Snapshot to vote by the moderator or by myself?
  2. Are there any other details about voting? like what conditions users need to meet to vote, etc.
    Thank you!
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@Matt_StableLab @tnorm could you guys comment here please?

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@Matt_StableLab @tnorm


  1. One of the delegates will be moving all of the proposals to snapshot
  2. To succeed, eligible applications must receive a greater than 50% majority in favor of the proposal, and reach a quorum of greater than 71.51 million ARB
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Thank you for your reply. I have tried to find the ALAYA proposal in Snapshot but there are no proposals about voting so far. I wanna make sure that

  1. Does the voting address is [Snapshot ]? If not, could you share it with me?
  2. How can I find my proposal for voting in the snapshot and the next steps of the voting round? Is there any official announcement in the further?


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We appreciate Alaya as the data provider for Arbitrum. For an efficient follow-up on-chain data provision is needed at the protocol and user levels. However, our findings and the explanation of the proposal are not enough to vote "for.” We support Alaya as a single platform and as an Arbitrum native data provider, but we need more info about protocol and reward programs.