[SpartaDEX] [FINAL] [STIP - Round 1]


Provide personal or organizational details, including applicant name, contact information, and any associated organization. This information ensures proper identification and communication throughout the grant process.

Applicant Name: TheTrueLeonidas
Project Name: SpartaDEX
Project Description:

SpartaDEX is the ecosystem of products whose foundation is built on top of the first gamified DEX and launchpad on Arbitrum One, having $10+ million TVL locked in the lockdrop event (majority of which locked for a period of 52 weeks)

Our NFT collections that have been embedded into the core of operations of the ecosystem have gathered more than 700 $ETH total volume.

Team Members and Qualifications: [List team members and their qualifications, roles, and responsibilities]

Below presenting the core members chosen by the DAO to manage strategy, operations, marketing and development of the SpartaDEX Ecosystem:

Zeus - Co-Founder and CEO, Head of Business Development
BigMack - Co-Founder and Product Owner
TheTrueLeonidas - Co-Founder, Jack of all trades
Leonidas - Community Manager
Archidamus - Moderator
CleomenesTheSpartan - Do-it-all person
Andy - Graphic Designer
Cleo - Copywriter
McWarthog - Blockchain Lead Dev
Reinow - Tech PM
Friqu - Senior Backend Dev
VarRlz - Senior Frontend Dev
Javor - Frontend Dev
hfx - Frontend Dev
Luke - Dev Ops
Hakuho - Testing Engineer

Project Links:

DEX: https://app.spartadex.io/

Launchpad: https://launchpad.spartadex.io/

Website: https://spartadex.io/



NFT collections

Contact Information:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spartadex_io
Email: contact@spartadex.io
Do You Acknowledge That Your Team WIll Be Subject to a KYC Requirement?: Yes


Detail the requested grant size, provide an overview of the budget breakdown, specify the funding and contract addresses, and describe any matching funds if relevant.

Requested Grant Size: 500,000 $ARB (reduced request, prev. 650,000 $ARB)
Grant Matching:

Yes. SpartaDEX will continue to incentivize pools alongside the $ARB tokens provided by this grant. The exact number is estimated to be between 2 to 3 million of $SPARTA tokens until the end of the grant distribution period.

Grant Breakdown:

Upon receiving the grant, we plan to allocate the funds in the following manner, with distribution set to continue until the end of January 2024:

  • 70% (increased from 60% - 10% has been reallocated from SAS pool) - Liquidity Incentives for Trading Pairs: This portion of the grant will be used to offer rewards for new liquidity providers for both existing and newly added trading pairs on SpartaDEX. Our current TVL is around $10M split across just 6 pairs. When compared to other leading DEXes on Arbitrum the liquidity on each of our major pairs is competitive.

  • 30% - Incentives for Liquidity of the New Projects that will have the IDO on our Launchpad: This substantial allocation is aimed at attracting new projects to launch their Initial DEX Offering (IDO) via Sparta Launchpad. What is more, we provide them with an added advantage: our experienced Rust developers can offer advisory services and conduct smart contract audits. This is included as a part of our service package.

We find below points crucial for understanding of the breakdown of 30% allocated to projects that will have their IDO on our Launchpad:

1. SpartaDEX will host IDOs of at least 5 projects on Sparta Launchpad until the end of January 2024. To each project there will be a max of 6% $ARB tokens (5 x 6% = 30%) allocated for incentivizing liquidity

2. If SpartaDEX doesn’t launch 5 projects, the remaining funds will be returned to the wallet provided by Arbitrum Foundation. We will not keep these funds.

In case it will be known for us in advance that we won’t manage to launch 5 projects, which we find unlikely considering what’s happening on the backstage, we will move remaining % to reward existing liquidity.

3. The allocation for incentives rewards of each project will depend on the liquidity.

In the event that any portion of the grant remains undistributed for any reason, the SpartaDEX team commits to returning the unused funds to the originating multisignature wallet.

This transparent and carefully planned allocation ensures that the grant will serve as a catalyst for growth, attracting both new users and high-quality projects to the Arbitrum ecosystem via SpartaDEX.

Funding Address:


Important to note: Funds from this address will be sent to multiple smart contracts that will be deployed later on, and distributed according to ‘Grant Breakdown’ section.

Funding Address Characteristics: [Enter details on the status of the address, eligible address must be a 2/3 multisig with private keys securely stored]

The aforementioned wallet is a 3/5 multisignature solution where each stakeholder authorizes messages through a hardware wallet.

Contract Address:

Specific contracts will be deployed at the later stage and the addresses will be publicly available. Initially, the funds will be securely kept in a 2/3 multisig wallet.


Clearly outline the primary objectives of the project and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to measure success. This helps reviewers understand what the project aims to achieve and how progress will be assessed.

Objectives: [Clearly state the primary objectives of the grant and what you intend to achieve]

As a comprehensive solution integrating both a DEX and a Launchpad, SpartaDEX offers a one-stop-shop for new projects aspiring to launch on Arbitrum. Our team is enriched with experienced developers who have conducted project audits on the Terra Blockchain, specifically using the Rust programming language.

Primary objectives of the grant:

1. Increase Liquidity: Enhance the amount of liquidity available on our DEX, and therefore on Arbitrum, and facilitate seamless trading. We would use the grant funds not only to reward pairs available on our DEX, but also deploy new liquidity pools for already existing projects.

2. Enhance User Engagement - Volume and Number of Transactions: Encourage users to trade on our DEX and participate in our gamified ecosystem. Through active game participation, users increase the yield on the provided liquidity.

3. Attract New Quality Projects to Arbitrum: Strengthen and improve the environment that encourages new projects to build on Arbitrum through our Launchpad and DEX. This will contribute to the overall growth of the Arbitrum ecosystem as we will support the projects in:

  • Pre-launch Phase by dev support and smart contract audits for projects that build with Rust. Also, we will leverage our strong foundation in Launchpad and DEX to encourage projects to develop using the Rust programming language.

  • Launch Phase by assist in raising funds on our Launchpad

  • Post-launch Phase by rewarding their liquidity providers with a share of the grant

4. Implementing Gamified Whitelabels of other Arbitrum Protocols: After deploying new liquidity pairs on our DEX, we will be working on implementing whitelabels of other protocols so that users could access their functionalities through our application.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): [Specify the KPIs that will be used to measure success in achieving the grant objectives]

To closely align with our objectives, we will be diligently monitoring the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

1. Total Value Locked (TVL):

  • Liquidity for existing trading pairs on our DEX
  • Liquidity for new trading pairs involving existing projects on our DEX
  • Liquidity for new trading pairs linked to projects launching via Sparta Launchpad

2. User Engagement Metrics:

  • Trading volume, evaluated on both daily and monthly scales
  • Transaction counts, assessed daily and monthly
  • Active user participation in both the DEX and the gamified ecosystem, quantified on daily and monthly bases
  • New game participants, determined by unique wallets that have minted a free NFT from SpartaDEX Polis

3. In-Game Metrics:

  • Purchases of premium in-game currency, captured by on-chain transactions for acquiring ‘Gems’ using $SPARTA tokens
  • Progress markers like building levels and engagement metrics such as activities in attacking Barbarian Camps within the game

4. New Project Launch Metrics:

  • Number of quality projects conducting Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) on our launchpad
  • Overall value raised through these IDOs

5. Marketing Outreach Metrics:

  • Reach and engagement levels on Twitter to gauge the effectiveness of our marketing and awareness campaigns

By keeping an attentive eye on these KPIs, we aim to continuously adapt and optimize our strategies, thereby ensuring the ongoing growth and success of the SpartaDEX ecosystem within Arbitrum.

How will receiving a grant enable you to foster growth or innovation within the Arbitrum ecosystem?: [Provide details]

1. Attracting Quality Projects:

With the financial support from the grant, SpartaDEX can intensify its efforts in attracting and supporting new quality projects to build on Arbitrum due to using the funds to reward liquidity providers. This will not only enrich the Arbitrum ecosystem with innovative projects but also increase its competitiveness and attractiveness as a preferred blockchain for project launches.

The SpartaDEX ecosystem provides a one-stop-shop solution for new projects, offering services such as smart contract audits, raising funds, trading, and building liquidity which would be additionally boosted with the grant funds. This comprehensive support will translate into a larger community, driving growth and innovation within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

2. Enhancing Yield Mechanics:

The grant will facilitate the improvement of yield mechanics, encouraging projects that are looking for the best chain for their launch to consider building on Arbitrum.

Justification for the size of the grant:

SpartaDEX is a native Arbitrum DEX and Launchpad gathering a strong community of devoted users. With the liquidity of more than $10 millions, of which the majority is locked in the Lockdrop for a period of 52 weeks, we have already proved that our community is vibrant and devoted.

The size of the grant was carefully discussed within our Team, DAO and the most committed members of our community - Elders.

We are a new and innovative protocol, the first gamified DEX native to Arbitrum, the first to organize the lockdrop event and we believe that we brought a huge value to the whole ecosystem, while aiming to bring ten times more, through:

  1. Bringing high quality projects to Arbitrum space

  2. Increase user engagement and DEX metrics

Execution Strategy: [Describe the plan for executing including resources, products, use of funds, and risk management. This includes allocations for specific pools, eligible assets, products, etc.]

Funds will be distributed through smart contracts for certain pools. Existing pools that will be incentivized are all the pools available on SpartaDEX:



The funds will be used solely to achieve our objectives. Team is not in possession of the SPARTA-USDC liquidity as it was added exclusively by the community, we will not benefit from the grant funds.

Grant Timeline: [Describe the timeline for the grant]

Grant funds will be distributed until the end of January 2024.

SpartaDEX Team will create a dashboard in which all of the metrics and KPIs are tracked to ensure that the hypotheses are being positively verified.

If this proposal is greater than 1M ARB, please provide details on any funding tranches or milestones your application aims to abide by:

Not applicable


Provide details about the Arbitrum protocol requirements relevant to the grant. This information ensures that the applicant is aligned with the technical specifications and commitments of the grant.

Is the Protocol Native to Arbitrum?:

Yes, DEX, Launchpad and all of our NFT collections are native to Arbitrum

On what other networks is the protocol deployed?:

SpartaDEX is deployed exclusively on Arbitrum One

What date did you deploy on Arbitrum?:
  • Public Testnet: April 5, 2023
  • 1st NFT collection: April 6, 2023
  • Launchpad: July 17, 2023
  • Lockdrop Phase I: July 24, 2023
  • Fully functional DEX: August 3, 2023
Protocol Performance: [Detail the past performance of the protocol and relevance, including any key metrics or achievements, etc.]
  • $10 million TVL (majority locked in lockdrop for 52 weeks)
  • 700 $ETH total volume on NFT collections
  • The first IDO ($300k) on our Launchpad raised in 48 seconds
  • More than 8,000 NFTs of the Polis (access to the game) minted
  • 4,400 avg Daily Active Users of the DEX and Game
  • More than 68,000 unique visitors in the past month
  • More than 100 ETH spent on gas fees on Arbitrum in order to save users funds from potential exploit:
(more here: https://x.com/Spartadex_io/status/1692231075366593005?s=20)
Protocol Roadmap: [Describe relevant roadmap details for your protocol or relevant products to your grant application.]



  • Implementing In-game gambling games
  • New swap user interface
  • DEX features available on the SpartaDEX landing page


  • DEX and Game available on mobile
  • Upgrades to the game mechanics
  • First whitelabels of Arbitrum Protocols



  • New $SPARTA token feature - 3,000 $SPARTA tokens make users eligible for taking part in the IDO
  • Setting up smart contract audit department within SpartaDEX to support projects launching on Sparta


  • 4 IDOs confirmed (ReflowBet is the only one known publicly at this moment)
  • Multichain Launchpad attracting communities and projects from other chains to launch on Arbitrum
Audit History:

Our audits can be found here: | Audits - SpartaDEX Whitepaper

SECTION 6: Data and Reporting

Provide details on how your team is equipped to provide data and reporting on grant distribution.

Is your team prepared to create Dune Dashboards according to program requirements for your incentive program?:

Yes, we will adjust to program requirements and will create Dune Dashboards according to needs and expand/improve it after receiving feedback.

If not, how does your team plan to report grant data?:

Not applicable


Sound use of token and especially appreciate liquidity part.
Suggestion for current DEX is to have a non gamified, simple UI version of the swap + liquidity provision section to make it a one stop solution like other DEXs just for easy swap. It would allow easy onboard and influx of users and thus, swap fees. There would be a link to the gamified DEX + game UI with catch phrase to get increased APY/reduced fees.


This is exactly what we are working on currently, with a goal to make it as easy as possible to just swap/add liquidity outside of the gamified part.

Thank you sir!


Great idea! I think that spartadex is Numero uno to get the grant from arbitrum. SPARTA


As an infosec consultant by trade, this is extremely worrisome. Private keys should never be stored in something of the sort. Unless I am mistaken on the usage of this, the multisig cannot be considered a safe place for storage unless the signers use hardware wallets or other cold-storage custodial mechanisms.


Difficult beginnings, but systematic updates and listening to the voice of the community - it’s hard to believe that this team will not cope in the long run.


I’ve been following along Spartadex before their discord was alive.
Clearly outlined proposal, expected no less from a team like Sparta.
Their commitment to transparency, community engagement, and fostering a vibrant ecosystem is commendable.

There has been up and downs just like any other project, but this project is really something.
Offering the grant here will be beneficial to all parties involved, no doubt.


Great described application guys!

I’m following that project from first day when they tweet about this and what I can say is that it’s one of the most hard working team that I know. Community is on the first place for them. Can’t wait for new feauters that you’re planning still for this year!

Good luck! :crossed_fingers:


Hi, a value proposition that can benefit the project and the entire Arbitrum ecosystem. SpartaDex has a dedicated community, it’s definitely worth keeping them in the Arbitrum network. The team is constantly working and improving the protocol.

go forward :crossed_swords:


zero tokens go to the team, most of them to attract new valuable projects and a small part for $SPARTA stakers, for me it’s great, any unused grant will be refunded. It would be stupid not to award the grant :slight_smile:


i am following the project since april and the team is great and hard working,they are creating a great project all around the arb chain,so i think they deserve the grant also because they have a good spending plan,built all around the project and for the user base that is very loyal,big up to the team


Been with Sparta since day 1
They have shown only professionalism and commitment

Moving forward, I can guarantee they will bring market share and liquidity to arbitrum benefiting both teams🙏

Would be of great use to accept a grant especially as team get no share👀


I have been following the Spartadex team since the beginning at the moment of the launch for the Spartans NFT whitelist and must say it hasn’t been disappointed.

Testnet has been a good indication for many of their users to see how dedicated the team is and the connection to it’s community.
Starting projects and especially these types where gaming features are on the front row are challenging and constantly needs follow ups.
That’s where the community comes in and they have been doing this from day one.
I might suggest becoming a part of their discord chats and check out everything for yourself. Very active community and with the great support of Leonidas and The true Leonidas especially
you can’t go wrong.
Spartadex has been actively engaging with its community and the Arbitrum eco.

I strongly believe this proposal will add even more value to the ecosystem, bring in more users to Arbitrum and the crypto space in general.
Gaming has been proved to be a door for new users to enter the crypto realm and I believe Spartadex to do the same for Arbitrum.

With a grant proposal dedicated to its users and community you can’t go wrong :slight_smile: :+1:


Apologies for being blunt, but SpartaDEX has almost no volume, TVL, or users.

There is absolutely no way to objectively justify such a request with Sparta’s performance. This would provide 0 value to the Arbitrum ecosystem and unfortunately I am highly doubtful of Sparta’s ability to manage or operate given it’s current lack of performance.

Whilst diversity of DEXs would be something that could yield positive effects, Sparta is far from one of the protocols that are deserving of 1,000,000 ARB.


Already working product. Not another „we will” or „we gonna”. Utility was delivered in time, team is transparent and stick to plan. Lot of space for project to grow. Fresh and interresting idea to connect dex and game on Arbitrum chain. With mobile version it will really blow the market, just let team develop because we know that they know what they do :slightly_smiling_face: I’m 100% into sparta since day 1 :facepunch:t2:


Currently we’re Top 30 in terms of TVL on Arbitrum, according to DefiLlama, and Top 7 if we count DEXes only, with a TVL of more than $10 million. You can check it here:

The liquidity is being provided by more than 3,500 unique wallets and users interacted with our contracts more than 30,000 times (it means 30k transactions).

What’s more, we are not applying for 1M ARB, but for 650k which is a significant difference.

It is true that currently our volume is low. We find a few factors that impact this and are working on the solution to each one of them:

1. Lack of mobile support. This should be solved within a week or two as it’s our top priority
2. Just 6 pairs currently available for trading. We’ll be introducing new pairs, not only already existing on Arbitrum, but also those coming from projects on our Launchpad (4 of them in the queue for the IDO). Those projects will add their main liquidity exclusively to SpartaDEX.
3. Integration with major DEX aggregators. Currently we are integrated only with Open Ocean, but have 2 more top projects that we are discussing the integration and expect it to happen with a weeks.


This looks great. I see a bright future for SPARTA, definitely support this grant petition.


I have been following the project practically from the very beginning and I am definitely impressed by the team’s work in many respects, the project is innovative and the idea itself is unique. Regards.


I can’t wait for further improvements, we are at the current stage of the market, so the volume is what it is, yet the team is constantly introducing improvements and thinking about new utilities to make the end user satisfied, commitment and openness to the community are visible. Comment above, either previous doesn’t see the potential, or he’s just from the competition and is afraid :slight_smile:


thanks to $SPARTA many of us are still on arb network