Arbitrum DAO Grants Domain Allocator Nominations

Report N°3: Arbitrum Education, Community Growth and Events Domain


In this Third report on the Arbitrum Education, Community Growth and Events Domain, we present an update on the distribution of funds to approved projects.

Updated Budget approved

During the program we received 53 proposals in total, where 18 proposals were approved, 36 were rejected and 5 proposals still are under evaluation.

Summary of approved projects

Note : The amounts marked with “(x)” yellow belong to the projects approved after the budget swap.

SEED Latam Team member case

In the proposal Arbitrum DAO Onboarding Hub, one of our team members (@manugotsuka) will be part of the team that will lead this proposal. So to avoid any conflict of interest, we decided that this member would not be part of the evaluation process.

Budget swap clarification

It is important to mention that the original questbook proposal stated that each domain would have to distribute $200k to projects during the experimental program, however the amounts expressed in the proposal were in stables, but during the program, the payments were made using the ARB token.

The price of the token moved up significantly during December and early January, so there was no reason to stop using the ARB token as the primary asset for distributing grants.

However, due to market volatility and concern that the price of the ARB token would collapse lower than 1$, a decision was made together with all domain allocators, to convert the entire committed amount to stablecoins in order to ensure that approved projects would receive enough funding during the program.

This decision was shared in the forum by Jojo to receive the feedback from the community members and other

Budget details

As the table below shows, you can verify the total budget amount committed to be distributed to the projects, along with other budgets of interest.

Description Amount
Total budget committed $262,553.00
Distributed Funding $187,669.03
Remaining Funding to distribute $74,883.97
Funds on Safe $79,735.22
Available funds $4,851.25

Proposal’s Map

This map represents an approximation of the regions and countries to which the approved projects belong, demonstrating the regional diversity on which the domain is focused, as explained in our vision and criteria for grants.

As we said in our previous reports, please let us know if you think there are errors in this map, we’re open to feedback.


This report summarizes the work we completed as domain allocators, evaluating proposals we believe have the potential to impact the Arbitrum ecosystem.

In our next report, we will provide a final overview of the data collected from the approved projects within our domain. This final report will include the metrics and objectives achieved by each project. Thank you!