The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We’re voting AGAINST this proposal.
During temp-check, we voted in favor of the offsite, on condition that it takes an online format, while not committing to supporting the onchain vote before we saw a more detailed proposal. With the proposal having narrowed down since the original directional temp-check, we now have the necessary details to assess whether we want to support it or not, and as things are right now, we’re more inclined towards voting against it.
We have discussed the proposal with @Danielo extensively, and although we like the concept directionally, we’re not entirely convinced that it will have the intended outcomes. We do not believe that simply crowdsourcing priorities from the delegates will have the desired effect. There needs to be some informed, educated thinking process before that and we don’t see that in the process outlined above.
For the offsite to have any material impact, delegates must ‘buy-in’ and commit to participate in the event. From our discussions with other delegates, we have not seen such buy-in from them yet.