Arbitrum Offsite format: online vs IRL

DAOplomats voted in favor of an Online Event on Snapshot.

We are generally supportive of an IRL version. However, we are just more interested in seeing how things develop progressively. First, we experiment with online events, gauge interest from delegates and stakeholders within Arbitrum, then we can shoot for a broader IRL event.

Finally, before supporting during the onchain vote, we would love to see the budget reworked. The proposed cost right now looks too much an ask for an online event.

This is how I voted on Snapshot:

I think itā€™s a good idea to meet the team IRL on dates that donā€™t interfere with most peopleā€™s work/activities. It could be organized through a vote three months in advance to make it fair. I know you currently hold online calls, and Iā€™d like to stay informed to learn more about the Arbitrum ecosystem and the people behind the projects. How can I stay updated on these online calls?

Thank you for your response @danielo. I totally agree that focusing on efficiency and trusted token holders is important. And I hope newcomers should have a chance to participate to any events host by the DAO. So hopefully we can hold an online event in the future, as it would make it easier for more people to engage and build their reputation without the need to attend in person.

As someone who talks about DeFi and DAOs on X, Iā€™d love to support the DAO by using my voice. Iā€™m curious about how we can bring in newcomers while still keeping governance effective in your plan


My plan is only a small step. At the moment the DAO has A LOT of friction to advance proposals. One needs to be very acquainted with a lot of initiatives and people to be able to move something through, and even then it requires a lot of work.
By claryfing the strategy, we reduce said friction. Strategy provides signposts for others to rally around without having to do all the sense making work.
So my hope is that the more we clarify by focusing on effective discussions (with some tradeoffs needed short term), that enables a lot more engagement from newcomers.


We are in favor of this proposal. With regard to costs and cooperation, I feel that a more detailed planning report is needed.
In the meantime, I would personally recommend
1. clear criteria for selection of participants: the proposal should detail the criteria for selection of participants and publicize the list to ensure transparency and trust.
2. budget refinement: before finalizing the proposal, further refine the budget, especially the audit criteria for travel scholarships, to ensure the reasonable use of funds.
3. technical support: online participation requires technical support, it is recommended to test and provide technical guidelines in advance to ensure seamless communication between online and offline.
4. Follow-up and Evaluation: Set up a clear tracking mechanism to regularly evaluate the implementation of the action items and ensure that the results of the activities are effectively implemented.
5. Responding to Community Feedback: Set up a feedback team to handle and respond to community opinions to ensure that community voices are taken seriously.
6. Online Activity Options: Add interactive links to online activities and analyze the comparison of online and offline results to make more informed choices.
7. offline travel risk and safety tips

ArbitrumDAO strategic ā€œOff-siteā€ (online) updated proposal



This proposal is a continuation of the directional proposal for an offsite which was voted in favour with 130mn ARB in Snapshot: ArbitrumDAO Off-site - Directional proposal 8

And a following proposal where an Online format came on top Snapshot

The proposal has been streamlined based on feedback and is designed to be independent but compatible with related initiatives such as Alexā€™s work on coordination and emergent conversations with Disruption Joe, etc. The proposal also stays clear of areas where Entropy is already working and builds upon previous work (e.g. mission and values draft).

There were concerns about potential overlap with GovHack and we have aligned this initiative so both could be complimentary. However, the HackHumanity team has announced they wonā€™t be organising an event for Devcon.


This proposal aims to enhance the alignment, communication, and collaboration among token holders (including delegates). The DAO currently struggles with achieving cohesive strategies due to sporadic interactions and a lack of direct engagement among key participants. To address this, a structured process will be organized in October (before DevCon), focusing on strategic alignment sessions.

This proposal includes:

  • Stakeholder management (preparation and follow-up): delegates and key stakeholders outreach and sense-making process to scope and prepare the most important agenda items to be discussed during two online workshops (building upon the survey and analysis already carried out). And post-workshops follow-up on key action items, including snapshot vote to ratify decisions.
  • Facilitation: design and execution of a strategic process to advance alignment, convergence, and prioritization, ensuring clear next steps.
  • Coordination: with Entropy to build on top of the work on mission, vision, and values; and with with additional emergent initiatives (e.g. Joe and Disruption Joe proposal in the works and potential future proposals by HackHumanity and others).

The key deliverable is an online strategy process to define a shortlist of priorities for the DAO over the next 6 months. These priorities (if ratified) can then feed into GovHack as a ā€œproposal acceleratorā€ to turn the priorities into initiatives. (note that we have coordinated this and GovHackā€™s proposals to be both complementary and independent, allowing the proposals to function together or in isolation).

The success of this initiative will be measured quantitatively by the NPS given by participants, and qualitatively by the outcomes and outputs from the sessions. The key outcome is a ratified decision on priorities via Snapshot vote.

The Problem

The DAO encounters multiple challenges, but a critical issue is the lack of effective communication and alignment among delegates and key stakeholders. There are many calls, but attendance is not concentrated and the calls are designed for context sharing and informal discussion, not designed for a strategic process. This results in a gap in aigment and clear and explicit strategy, causing slow decision-making.

Areas such as organizational design and strategic planning require not only well-crafted proposals but also thorough stakeholder engagement. Beyond what can be achieved in an event, these areas require multiple steps of aligment on frameworks and approaches, sense-making, structured deliberation, and ratifying decisions.

Proposed Solution


Draft of DAO priorities for the next 6 months thatā€™s put to a Snapshot vote.


The priorities provide alignment and enable the whole community to rally around key priorities, unblocking the DAO.

The proposal includes:
*The exact format will be refined during phase 1 in coordination with other initiatives and delegates.

  1. Agenda prioritisation (pre-event alignment) and sense-making.
  • Project manager to engage with token holders, delegates, and key stakeholders, distilling concerns and topic suggestions, and facilitating converging on the exact agenda and framework.

  • Careful planning of each session: aiming to share and agree on frameworks and approaches in advance, focusing IRL discussion on content and not format. This is a continuation of the work started in December with the pre-proposal for a strategy framework.

  1. Strategy Sprint: 2 week process combining live and asynchronous components to integrate broad community input and feedback, deep dives by representative stakeholders, and converging towards a clear list.
  • Onboarding participants into the framework and using a collective intelligence tool to generate and organise an initial list of priorities. (asynchronous, 1h)

  • Online workshops to review the initial list, carry a root cause analysis, and argue pros/cons of different priorities. (live, half day)

  • Sharing publicly for community feedback (forum) and our team synthesising feedback.

  • second survey (usign the collective intelligence tool) to collect, cluster, and prioritise a refined list of priorities. (asynchronous, 2x 1h)

  • second workshop to refine the definition of the priorities. (live, half day)

  1. Post workshops follow up
  • Sharing a summary of the discussion & agreed action points.

  • Final collection of feedback and synthesis.

  • Snapshot vote to ratify the results of the workshops.

  • Follow up with participants a month after to track progress on action items and liaison with Entropy, Foundation, and other parties to suggest next steps as appropriate (e.g. aligment with HackHumanity if GovHack is approved).


*: tentative timeline to be adjusted during the planning phase in coordination with the different stakeholders.

  • First two weeks of October: planning
  • Last week of October: hosting 1st workshop
  • Throughout November: async coordination period
  • Late November to early December: second workshop and snapshot proposal.

What Does Success Look Like?

  • Alignment on DAO priorities for the next 6 months.
  • Engagement from top delegates and key stakeholders.
  • Clarity provided to the broader communtiy enabling them to rally around priorities.
  • Positive feedback and a strong desire to continue similar initiatives.


  • Snapshot proposal: post-workshop to ratify results.
  • 50%+ participation rate among engaged (35%+ on-chain voting rate 2) Top50 delegates, foundation, off-chain labs, and additional nominated participants.
  • NPS of 50 or more (-100 to 100 range, 0 considered average)
  • A similar initiative is organised again.


Focused on high-context, expert, and senior participants. I.e. not an onboarding event. For rationale see the discussion here.

  • Open to Top-50 delegates, off-chain labs, foundation members, and top 100 ARB token holders (both in Arbitrum One and Ethereum).
  • Additional attendees based on at least 20 million ARB endorsements (holders/delegates can endorse as many participants as desired).


Fund sent to Multisig Signing Service.

50% in advance, 50% upon completion.

30% volatility buffer added in case of the ARB price falling. Any unspent buffer will be returned to the DAO. Arb price calculated based on date of posting on Tally.

Total cost: $14,900

Total in ARB including volatility buffer: 30,266 ARB
Detailed breakdown

Additional 5k ARB bonus if snapshot proposal with priorities (proposal to ratify conclusion of the workshops) is approved (non-constitutional quorum met and 65%+ support from voters).

Maximum possible total in ARB: 35,266 ARB

Additional Notes


The opportunity cost of this process is easily 10x its budget, given the limited time availability of delegates and few occasions a year when they converge. As such, good facilitation makes a critical difference in ensuring the process is effective. The facilitation includes designing the workshops and moderating the conversation, AND engaging with the broader community to gather input and synthethise it.


Weā€™ve already started the process of setting the agenda. We ran a survey, answered by 29 delegates with 86mn+ ARB represented. And then ran SimScore (a collective intelligence algorithm) to cluster responses and identify the key topics. The results are presented below to encourage further discussion.

Pre-selection of topics in ranked order:

  • Defining strategic priorities for the DAO
  • DAO Budget (how much should the DAO be spending)
  • Org Design
  • ARB token utility
  • Conflict Of Interest
  • Grant programs (RPGF, what should be the focus, outcomes, etc.)
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Offcylce voting: this proposal was planned to be launched on Tally yesterday. Due to some unforeseen coordination around the MSS, we couldnā€™t post until confirming the compliance procedure with the foundation. In the interest of being able to start this initiative in October and due to multiple constraints in November (DevCon, ThanksGiving), weā€™re posting on Tuesday. Please accept our apologies for any disruption.

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voted yes for online on tally since its the only option, and an online event is better than no event, but would have preferred an IRL gathering, esp considering govhack is no longer doing an event.

seems like im the outlier here given the snapshot vote, but maybe that would have been different as well if it was known govhack would not do devcon.

Only request here is that there is some voting or flexibility on time zones, as weā€™re currently not able to attend most ArbitrumDAO meetings due to US focused scheduling.

Govhacks proposal was posted after this one on snapshot, so i dont think its a material change.

I am interested to see what sort of attendance and facilitation we get from the online workshops. in my experience, having synchronous communication with all major delegates in the room is difficult and less efficient (esp when virtual) than asynchronous text based communication, but happy to be proved wrong.

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This proposal includes synchronous (live) and asynchronous phases. The core of the work happens async through the use of a collective intelligence tool, async deliberation across telegra+forum, and summaries created by our team.

We complement that process with synchronous deliberation during two workshops, but thatā€™s mostly to fast-track the discussion around pros/cons and root causes that will likely be happening in telegram and the forum already.

Hereā€™s a mapping of what that can look like (to be refined during planning phase if the proposal is approved):

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DAOplomats is voting in favor of this proposal on Tally.

We see our concerns regarding costs during the temp check were addressed as the budget has been reduced with a detailed breakdown added. Thus, we are happy to support during the onchain vote.

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Is it possible to widen the attendee list? It seems overly restrictive if itā€™s an online venue, which should facilitate higher attendance.


Could you share a bit your rationale and who youā€™d like to be included?

Well, we wouldnā€™t make the cutoff, despite having enough votes to post a poll. Thereā€™s probably other prominent delegates or stakeholders as well.

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You can still participate without having to change the rules, all you need is 20mn ARB of endorsement so you can ask other delegates to endorse you until you reach the 20m. Same for any other stakeholders, service provider, etc. that enough ARB considers important to participate in the discussion.

Note that even outside of the workshops, there will be space for input, feedback, and discussion. the workshops are only part of it.

This is looking even better! Doing it live with quick, real-time interaction will definitely make things more dynamic with synchronous (live). Hopefully, thereā€™ll be a chance for an in-person event down the road to bring the community even closer. I hope for a positive outcome for all the events, and that both have the space to reach the largest and best audience possible.

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Thanks for the updated proposal! Itā€™s great to see the process already started. As the first workshop is being planned last week of October, do you have a clear idea about the details of the workshop (which Top 50 delegates, OCL/Foundation members would attend, how is the workshop organized? 1 day? Multiple days? How can non-qualified members get involved in the process? etc) at this point and the outcome you are looking to produce before November? Seeing some top delegates voted against/abstain, we are worried about the success of the execution while acknowledging the importance of the concept.

The timeline proposed was conditional on delegates voting. As that hasnā€™t happened the timeline is now pushed. Weā€™re addressing some concerns from a major delegate but otherwise the initiative is paused until we have aproval.

The following reflects the views of L2BEATā€™s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and itā€™s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

Weā€™re voting AGAINST this proposal.

During temp-check, we voted in favor of the offsite, on condition that it takes an online format, while not committing to supporting the onchain vote before we saw a more detailed proposal. With the proposal having narrowed down since the original directional temp-check, we now have the necessary details to assess whether we want to support it or not, and as things are right now, weā€™re more inclined towards voting against it.

We have discussed the proposal with @Danielo extensively, and although we like the concept directionally, weā€™re not entirely convinced that it will have the intended outcomes. We do not believe that simply crowdsourcing priorities from the delegates will have the desired effect. There needs to be some informed, educated thinking process before that and we donā€™t see that in the process outlined above.

For the offsite to have any material impact, delegates must ā€˜buy-inā€™ and commit to participate in the event. From our discussions with other delegates, we have not seen such buy-in from them yet.


One more thing to add - although we voted against the proposal in its current form weā€™d like to make it clear that if it passes we commit to actively participate and weā€™ll do our best to make it work.