Arbitrum's Short-Term Incentive Program (Arbitrum Improvement Proposal)

Final Updates (September 23, 2023)

  • BUDGET: Per Snapshot results, the maximum budget will be set at 50M ARB for granted funds expected to be distributed by the end of January 31, 2024.

  • STIP-ARB Multisig: A new 5/9 multisig has been created with the signers from the original PL-ARB multisig, under the name of the Arbitrum DAO, with the addition of to three community members:

    • Karel Vuong, Treasure DAO
    • Jack Sanniota, 404 DAO
    • Lindsey Winder, Hedgey Finance
  • Clarification on Halting Funds: Further Clarification concerning Halting of Funds: Funds can be stopped by the STIP-ARB Multisig with a 5/9 consensus. Funds will be stopped in the event of negligent actions in violation of the previously defined grant requirements. If halted, the multisig must publish the justification of its decision on the Arbitrum Forum. The stream can restart either through a Snapshot Veto or if the multisig decides the grantee has corrected their actions and it’s appropriate to continue.

  • Clarification on Exceeded Budget: If requested grants do exceed the allocated budget, funding will be allocated based on the amount of votes in favor of each grant proposal, and then on a first-come, first-serve basis dependent upon the time the proposal was submitted to the Arbitrum Forum.

  • Plurality Labs Grant Collaboration: Plurality Labs has expressed interest in backing a grant for Service Provider support, concentrating on data aggregation, collection, and analysis. This will add additional cost to the DAO, significant in nature, but funded by the pre-established Plurality Labs grant budget. Once selected in an independent RFP process, I will interface directly with this Service Provider to streamline reporting and accountability to help facilitate communications with the DAO and multisig.

  • Strengthening Admin Accountability & Costs: Addressing concerns (@olimpio, @Bobbay, others) about the current managerial framework, we’re amplifying administrative capacities to ensure things run smoothly as possible. To be candid, the expectations of the community regarding the functioning of this framework exceed the admin capacity it was originally endowed (to be lean, quick, and risky). Consensus has been achieved, but in order to meet the expectations of delegates, I believe my role must expand to a paid admin position, overseeing the application process, reporting, and ensuring accountability.
    Further, the expansion of the Multisig and the expansion of signers responsibilities in setting up streaming, and enforcing accountability, justify an increased acknowledgment beyond the small 2,000 ARB gesture of the original proposal. The final proposal increases this acknowledgment to 6,000 ARB per signer.

  • For overseeing the application, review, and accountability of this program, from this date forth, I will propose a 30,000 ARB admin compensation (7,500 ARB streamed each month). This is a rate of ~$150/hour at current ARB prices, for an average of 10 hours per week over the programs duration. I think this is fair given the expressed demand for further involvement in the operations of the program and the expected hourly commitment. Admin Responsibilities will include:

    • Overseeing application and forum review stages.
    • Facilitating and tracking progression of applications throughout the application process.
    • Collaborating with the Foundation for forum setup and oversight.
    • Facilitating Delegate x Grantee Community Calls during review periods.
    • Ensuring forum operations and scheduling.
    • Coordinating the Plurality Labs-sponsored data provider to establish data pipelines and communicate findings to the DAO.
    • Oversee grantee data reporting deliverables and accountability reporting from grantees.
    • Deliver a program retrospective by February 15, 2024.