Balancer DAO Bi-Weekly Update August 26th 2024

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 50,000 + 50,000

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 100,000

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

Gauge Address Pool Symbol Distribution Amount
0x06eaf7bAabEac962301eE21296e711B3052F2c0d wstETH/sfrxETH 13253.0736
0xdB66fFFf713B1FA758E348e69E2f2e24595111cF ECLP-weETH-wstETH 11571.8304
0x96d7C70c80518Ee189CB6ba672FbD22E4fDD9c19 ECLP-wstETH-WETH 7730.959598
0x050fBe33699E56B577c3D6f090eCE9870A0966bd sFRAX/4POOL 7167.565538
0x5a0e92a55800BB5bFd5ec6C7340BfdE7f0947c3E cbETH/rETH/wstETH 6324.852692
0x260cbb867359a1084eC97de4157d06ca74e89415 wstETH-WETH-BPT 6292.46365
0x4b8858a8E42f406B4dC2eCB8D48B5cf0021035c8 sUSDe/sFRAX 6153.624459
0x59907f88C360D576Aa38dba84F26578367F96b6C rsETH/wETH 5396.842154
0x8ba2D53F34159C5C5e7add60B56C7dE3BBc1DA68 rETH/wETH BPT 4996.276352
0x7C4A6B0c16cA99e65822Cc531403cE2f8A20A912 ezETH/wstETH 4747.32769
0x0CE9489bBD4bfA0Da7b5bb06E4dFa7a5947F76e8 gUSDC/USDC 4058.753789
0x8f57378CaD866a46eA702B7ACAEBF21dd93B4804 ETHx/wstETH 3598.153903
0x2b52a321Fc2ab77e9fC8488D792BB3CaEA966c0b ECLP-AUSDC-AUSDT 3325.851429
0xd9647eb5D6457bd7Adb39B335ab89eC3a1Ea6d09 ECLP-GYD-AUSDT 3285.657829
0x052597B6633814a0a6eA9020eE46E25Aa6936E49 ECLP-GYD-AUSDC 2802.472854
0x40e86216712cB9871B9C698EA3AFB22f88c00E6e ECLP-WOETH-WETH 2761.056999
0xfC745035F31BCbaEb2D1a89aA9171495c671F6cE ankrETH/wstETH-BPT 2667.753417
0x7dc6C96bf1c0ce2e5Ddad5601AFeCC0207b0870C sFRAX/FRAX 2264.066739
0x879049Df2744B8D8848985C82275AD4c07379905 ECLP-wUSDM-GYD 1601.41691

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: Yes

ARB left over: 150,000 for total grant, 100,000 being distributed this epoch

Plan for leftover ARB: The rest of the ARB will be allocated through our liquidity pool gauges to encourage strong liquidity for LST/LRT and yield-bearing stablecoins on Arbitrum. From the DAO’s standpoint, yield-bearing assets are crucial for sustaining long-term TVL for both Balancer and Arbitrum. Liquidity providers benefit greatly from the various ways capital efficiency is encompassed by Balancers various unique pooling solutions.

Summary of incentives: Balancer’s ARB incentive strategy focuses on directing BAL to existing gauges on Arbitrum, thereby boosting the highest-yielding pools for liquidity providers in terms of returns and fees. By leveraging Balancer’s core pool mechanisms and the STIP Addendum boost settings, this approach aims to create a thriving and sustainable environment for the most beneficial asset classes on Arbitrum within Balancer. The goal is to optimize the capital efficiency of ARB incentives for both the Arbitrum ecosystem and the Balancer DAO. For a comprehensive overview of the incentive structure, please see our Addendum post.

The pool for gUSDC Gyro ECLP has now begun to catch on by reaching 330k TVL, with nearly 1MM between the two gUSDC pools. Noticeably as well this week the osETH/wETH and weETH/wstETH (Gyro) pools hit ATH for the month at 5.5MM and 4.7MM TVL respectibely. Also multiple Gyro ECLPs have begun coming on line per BIP-675 in the next weeks encompassing Aave stable coin yields, wUSDM from Mountain protocol, sFRAX, sUSDE from Ethena, aGHO, and an LRT rETH/wstETH pool.

The primary highlight of this epoch is an 11% increase in stable coin liquidity and a 8% increase in LST/LRT liquidity in USD terms. This means liquidity net migrated to yield bearing assets on Balancer while decreasing just slightly in total from the previous epoch to this epoch.

The full distribution with quantities can be seen in this transaction and will be repeated in one week to have the same ratio of rewards distributed for a full two week epoch. See csv with calculated amounts for reference.

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: Balancer DAO is using the same 3/5 KYC Multisig as utilized in the original STIP program.

STATS 8/12/24 - 8/26/24

Average daily TVL: $77,009,257

Average daily transactions: 2,508

Average daily volumes: $7,020,880

Number of unique user addresses: 2,862

Transaction fees: $5,213

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Balancer Dune Dashboard

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 100,000

Contracts that will be incentivized:

Gauge Address Pool Symbol Distribution Amount
0x06eaf7bAabEac962301eE21296e711B3052F2c0d wstETH/sfrxETH 12930.31268
0xdB66fFFf713B1FA758E348e69E2f2e24595111cF ECLP-weETH-wstETH 8357.211099
0x96d7C70c80518Ee189CB6ba672FbD22E4fDD9c19 ECLP-wstETH-WETH 8352.946592
0x050fBe33699E56B577c3D6f090eCE9870A0966bd sFRAX/4POOL 8250.415254
0x5a0e92a55800BB5bFd5ec6C7340BfdE7f0947c3E cbETH/rETH/wstETH 6610.388977
0xdDbDca6213b4a03d8C6fC1419Ef7B0b16B61d363 ECLP-gUSDC-AUSDC 5052.645861
0x7C4A6B0c16cA99e65822Cc531403cE2f8A20A912 ezETH/wstETH 4655.726304
0x260cbb867359a1084eC97de4157d06ca74e89415 wstETH-WETH-BPT 4367.670832
0x8ba2D53F34159C5C5e7add60B56C7dE3BBc1DA68 rETH/wETH BPT 4200.111642
0xd9647eb5D6457bd7Adb39B335ab89eC3a1Ea6d09 ECLP-GYD-AUSDT 4184.198787
0x59907f88C360D576Aa38dba84F26578367F96b6C rsETH/wETH 3887.626777
0x8f57378CaD866a46eA702B7ACAEBF21dd93B4804 ETHx/wstETH 3052.843637
0x4b8858a8E42f406B4dC2eCB8D48B5cf0021035c8 sUSDe/sFRAX 2909.766272
0x40e86216712cB9871B9C698EA3AFB22f88c00E6e ECLP-WOETH-WETH 2885.898364
0x7a45919ca9Cf2176833492B9D049B34312AF90fa ECLP-rETH-wstETH 2526.324963
0x2b52a321Fc2ab77e9fC8488D792BB3CaEA966c0b ECLP-AUSDC-AUSDT 2526.308702
0x052597B6633814a0a6eA9020eE46E25Aa6936E49 ECLP-GYD-AUSDC 2526.308702
0xdEC026525FE4FEF54857bCF551aEA97aBc24A673 ECLP-sUSDe-GYD 2300.761686
0xB76ed1927F54C76DCdfC311f30dF2277dEAb93eF ECLP-sFRAX-aFRAX 2300.761686
0xfC745035F31BCbaEb2D1a89aA9171495c671F6cE ankrETH/wstETH-BPT 2189.436694
0x7dc6C96bf1c0ce2e5Ddad5601AFeCC0207b0870C sFRAX/FRAX 1894.731526
0x879049Df2744B8D8848985C82275AD4c07379905 ECLP-wUSDM-GYD 1443.604972
0xd9BE61a0a58A301B078033757bAC9474C276362E ECLP-wUSDM-USDC-rh 1308.283268
0x2dEafe52b0bCb9801d3aaDc0D75c7879cB2E5825 inETH/wstETH 1285.710678
0xb072496eEf1F88a2Bd1BA93F880c7ed685264EB1 instETH/wstETH 0.004044083

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: Yes

Mechanism for distribution incentives: Balancer DAO will distribute rewards based upon the following boost factors combined with the proportion of BAL incentives streamed per pool on Arbitrum. The dynamic boost formula will be returned to the one originally proposed in STIP: max(3, Protocol Fees Earned /USD value of BAL emitted + 1) .


Our system is slightly adjusted from the original system developed for STIP . The dynamics and parameters of the original STIP are described here .

Summary of incentives plan: Balancer continues to double on fostering the best place to earn yield on LSTs, LRTs, and stablecoins. These tokens are the most important in our incentives plan and we can see the progressive increase in our protocol’s TVL in both classes via our dune dashboard. Below we can see TVL creeping just over 46.7MM, over a 4MM increase this epoch in LRT pools on Arbitrum. The top 5 pools osETH, wstETH/sfrxETH, wstETH/wETH, ECLP weETH/wstETH, and ECLP wstETH/wETH have changed once again as a gyro pool climbed and knocked a competing gyro pool (wstETH replaced rETH) out of the top for the time being. The TVL of the top 5 pools increased from 20.4MM to 21.8MM.

The yield bearing stablecoin narrative has continued to prove true on Balancer throughout every epoch of this STIP cycle. 9.7MM USD in TVL was an ATH which has been topped this round with 10.8MM. 3 of the top 5 are still Gyro ECLPs, While this list of pools remians unchanged there will be fierce competition throughout this epoch as Gyro and stablecoin liquidity across the ecosystem catches on to Balancer being the best place to host their liquidity. sUSDe/sFRAX has been bumped out by gUSDC/USDC, ECLP aUSDC/aUSDT, sFRAX/4POOL, ECLP GYD/aUSDC, ECLP GHO/aUSDC

Summary of changes to the original plan: The primary update to our incentives plan is the addition of a boost mechanism, which we are applying to the most promising pools as detailed above. This adjustment leverages Balancer’s expertise in yield-bearing strategies, enabling us to concentrate on the pools that will provide the greatest benefit to our liquidity providers and participants in the Arbitrum ecosystem. Key factors such as routing optimizations, native yield, and energizing the BAL, AURA, and ARB flywheel are crucial for consistently attracting new liquidity into the ecosystem.