Hey Jack, Thanks for the kind words and appreciate your support
This is going to be a two-phase voting process. Initially, we wanted the DAs to nominate themselves under this post and then have a snapshot where the community can choose the domain allocators. However, after speaking to the delegates and considering community feedback, once the proposal passes, we will create a separate post where both the community and delegates can nominate themselves for the DA role. Once the nomination period is over, it will go to voting. You can refer to the Arbitrum delegate post .
Thanks for acknowledging this it’s one of features of the product. As mentioned in the proposal. The domain allocators will approve or reject proposals based on their evaluation and the domain allocators are encouraged to make independent decisions in consultation with the Arbitrum team regarding the approval of the proposal based on their expertise.
Thank you for providing detailed calculations🙏. The 5% that we are asking for is to cover the operational costs of the tool. We would be open to reducing the product disbursal fees to 3% and having Questbook operate as a program manager for 6 months. We believe this would be a win-win for both parties and allow us to continue providing value to Arbitrum community and developers. Please let us know your thoughts on this proposal and if you have any other suggestions or concerns. Thank you for your time and consideration.
We will be posting again on the forum with the new changes mentioned above once the new grant template is live on the discourse.