[DIP v1.0]March 1 Incentive program start

We are only 3 days away from the start of the Delegate Incentive Program!

We are excited to announce that it won’t be long until the start of the program. Since December, we have been collecting a lot of data from delegates to see how impactful their participation was and how we can make significant improvements from now on.

During our work, we have done an exploration of the delegates data to determine the exact participation of each delegate on all tally votes, with the exception of the test proposals and that ones with the [OLD] prefix, here below you can see our previous tests corresponding to the December and January months:

December 2023

January 2024

We would like to add that right now we are working to collect the data of February to update the participation rate (PR) of each delegate until February. This new test, will it be published on the first days of March, so stay tuned!

Preparation to the Incentive program for delegates launch

A total of 36 delegates have registered on the program, which can be seen in this thread:

We would like to remind you that a delegate can apply to participate in the program at any time,as long as they meet the requirements stated in the proposal.

Also you can check the collected data on this Karma dashboard

This website was created by Karma and checked by the SEED Latam team.

If you see any error, do not hesitate to notify us and we will fix it as soon as possible. We invite delegates and participants to check it out to make it as transparent as possible.

We determined some parameters to see how impactful delegates are for our protocol. That’s why we take into consideration Snapshot and Tally Votings (SV & TV). Also, we wanted to see how delegates communicate their decisions, so we considered another two parameters: Communication Rationale (CR) and Commenting Proposals (CP).

These months of collecting raw data were a lot of work for our team. Luckily, integration with our friends of Karma will make things much easier once the program starts.

We are still receiving feedback from the community. Please let us know if you have doubts or ideas that will improve the program!

The Community Feedback

If you have any doubt or proposal that can help to improve the program you can leave your comment in the following thread.

Remember that this is an experimental system, so any advice or comments to improve the proposal will be of great help to make the program more solid over time.

Your participation is key!


thanks for the update. Looking forward on getting this program started :slight_smile:


Also you can check the collected data on this Karma dashboard

Is the “Delegates Opted In” something different then applying to be in the program. I saw only 13 on the dashboard versus the 40 or so who applied. If so, what needs done to show as “Opted In”

Great work by the way, dashboard looks nice and easy to digest!


Last minute preparations are still being made. We noticed that every time the parameters were changed, the number of participants was reset. We have already alerted karma