Dolomite STIP Program Updates

Dolomite Bi-Weekly Update 3/8/2024

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 0

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 72,000 oARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks: 0x6Bd780E7fDf01D77e4d475c821f1e7AE05409072

ARB left over: 75,310.13 (oARB mechanism results in delays in distribution)

Plan for leftover ARB: oARB Vesting begins on 11/17/2023 at 8:45 PM EST. At this time, ARB will be utilized. Due to the nature of the oARB incentivization system, there’s a “start delay” from when users can start utilizing the rewards.

Summary of incentives: Over the past week, we distributed oARB to the same markets as the prior bi-weekly updated. APRs remain elevated and we have seen a sustained increase in TVL and usage of the platform.

Apologies for the late post - we had an issue with our Dune dash that was being resolved the other day.


Average daily TVL: $43,957,794.96
Average daily transactions: 545.57
Average daily volumes: $3.09M
Number of unique user addresses: 554
Total unique user address growth: +224
Transaction fees: $67,551.71
Link to Dashboard showing metrics:

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 72,000 oARB
Contracts that will be incentivized: Same as before.

Mechanism for distribution incentives: We will continue to use oARB claiming and vesting for reward distribution. All ARB is on track to be claimed for vesting by March 25.