EDIT all elections are up, will just update this message to avoid spam.
ARDC (V2) Supervisory Council Election
For the supervisory elections, I am voting for @pedrob and @jameskbh for the communications.
There is a great set of candidates here, but for these 2 specifically I have had the pleasure to know and work with both of them. And I think at this point both deserve more space in our DAO: the skillset they have is quite complementary (james technical and entrenched, pedro very comms oriented, and both extremely present) and they would not let a single detail slide without overviewing it first.
I honestly don’t think we could get a better team for this complex task than these 2 nice folks here, and the DAO would only benefit from the value they can provide.
I am also voting on entropy + tamara since is the only candidate for operations. I am glad we will be able to see them working together, and I am looking forward to see @tamara bridging her experience from Lido to the ARDC.
ARDC (V2) Research Election
This is quite difficult due to having only 1 elected member. I will have to split my votes:
- 63% will go to @CastleCapital + DefiLlama. I have worked and meet the castle team, and encountered them the first time with the STIP feedback. It was impressive: tailored feedback for each one of the protocols involved. Quite a lift at the time, and I had then the pleasure to have them alongside me as advisors in LTIPP and STIP.b. I think they have a very good and pragmatic approach. On defillama, as most that are here I have been using their open and free tools forever. The thing that has always struck me was the agility in execution on their side, with defillama website being updated in matter of days when there was enough request on twitter. This agility shows 2 things: ability to listen to stakeholders and ability to quickly iterate. I would like to see them working in our DAO
- 37% goes to @BlockworksResearch. I cannot not support them after what I saw in previous ARDC. I did read all deliverables from all deliverables, and without taking anything from the others, the blockworks reports where just better. Not necessarily more in depth (they were tho), but with an angle that was imho the right one to have followup actions on our side as a DAO, at least up to some degree. For example, their team with Carolina was the only one able to produce normalized data for the incentive programs, something that was the groundwork to even understand if the programs were successful or not.
It’s to be honest a shame that we can’t have both these teams working in our DAO.
ARDC (V2) Security Election
I am voting for Open Zeppelin. Not only they are good, they have been following Arbitrum since almost inception, and have multiple roles in our ecosystem. While diversity of vendors can sometimes be a strength, the experience that Open Zeppelin has in our ecosystem is just too much of an advantage here.
ARDC (V2) Risk Election
Split my vote, 50/50, for VendingMachine and Nethermind. I think all the companies here are quite professional, and as for the comms/ops we should have more than one member. That said, the scope of work presented to me by these 2 was the most valuable, specifically the all around framework from vending machine, and the lst analysis from nethermind.