[Election & Application Thread] V2 Arbitrum Research & Development Collective

First of all, we appreciate all the candidates for their willingness and diligence in providing comprehensive applications for each role!

Here are our votes and reasonings:

Supervisory Council

Operations: Entropy + Tamara we are grateful to see Entropy being involved with the operations, and working with a promising DAO operator, Tamara.

Communications: Frisson and JuanRah + Alex Lumley. @Frisson has been a critical delegate and representative of Tally which is a vital tool for the Arbitrum DAO with great communication and coordination skills. We are impressed with the background and involvement with the Arbitrum DAO from @Juanrah and believe a great addition to the council with @AlexLumley involvement.


33% Blockworks Advisory, 33% Messari and 33% Llama Research & Castle Capital

With the ongoing involvement for the Arbitrum research projects and contributions, we chose @BlockworksResearch and @CastleCapital (with Llama Research). Having @Messari as a prominent crypto research institution (and complementary marketing support) is definitely a plus for the Arbitrum DAO.


66% OpenZeppelin and 33% Trail of Bits

Both of the security service providers are very strong candidates without doubt and qualified for the role. Slightly favored in OpenZeppelin because of the competitive hourly fee and experience as the V1 contributions and context around the vision and challenges.


100% Nethermind

With the top-class researchers and experiences in the blockchain industry, @Nethermind stands out as a key candidate for the Risk role. They have been involved in the Arbitrum as a member of the STEP committee and surely provide the critical contributions to the ARDC V2.

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