Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025

I think the Arbitrum DAO needs an event budget and it’s great 2 see this initiative!

I do feel that it only scratches the surface of the issue though.

Also resonate with this and believe the DAO should be able to decide which events it wants to prioritize. It’s a no brainer that the ones outlined in the proposal are clear YES-es, but how does the DAO decide on the others, which are prioritized and how? As I read the proposal I understand that these will be decided by centralized decision making which is efficient, but can sub-optimal from a coverage pov sometimes as it may be biased and based on the network of the entities involved(which is nothing wrong, it’s in fact natural), but leaves opportunities on the table that could also be leveraged as well.

There are multiple event organizers that have reached out to me after my involvement in Arb Daos presence at Eth Bucharest-which was the first event afaik where the Arbitrum Dao was present and not the Foundation( that’s how I met @paulofonseca @DisruptionJoe IRL and other delegates, contributors and Arbitrum whales).

Everyone kinda wants Arbitrum at their events, wants to be supported by Arbitrum, some even know about QB and have requested funding, but the main issue is there is no alignment between these types of events and Arbitrum in reality! Would be great if we could think about this, have some ideas in mind and am happy 2 discuss them and I bet others do as well.

There are multiple solutions that could be considered to allow the Arbitrum DAO to decide these things, one of them is QF, we can use QF to enable the DAO to decide how it wants 2 fund these events. Others that can to mind are Jokerace,