Grant Proposal for migration of DATA2073 TCG

Grant Proposal for Migration DATA2073 to Arbitrum

1. Project Overview

Project Name: DATA2073

Platform: Transfer to Arbitrum/Treasure

Grant Request: $150,000 ARB

Duration: 6 months (Open Beta - July 2024)



Whitepaper: DATA 2073 | WhitePaper-DATA2073

Discord: DATA 2073

2. What are you building?

Data 2073 is a Trading Card game that stands out for utilizing the power of the community to invest in game studios, creating new game modes and also new games, all focused on two pillars, fun first and decentralization.

The narrative of our game unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has just been decimated by a great war, leaving only fast-learning AI as inhabitants of our planet. Shortly after, these AI entities begin to organize themselves to create their own civilization, sparking an internal war for control over the planet.

The gameplay functions as follows:

(New UX/UI)

Data 2073 is an online turn-based collectible card game for two players. Each player starts with a deck of 12 cards, chosen from a larger collection that can be obtained through purchase or in-game achievements. The cards include Units, placed on the board, and Drones, with unique effects.

(New UX/UI)

Each card has a battery cost indicated in the top-left corner. Units have stats like attack, health, and special abilities, while Drones offer powerful effects such as dealing damage, healing units, or granting temporary bonuses. The game emphasizes strategy in using cards and moving on the board to achieve objectives.

(New UX/UI)

We utilize Unity as our game engine, Google for Startup program with Cloud Services and web 3 support.

We are set to launch on PC, MAC/IOS, and Android platforms, actively seeking game launch pads to optimize our release strategy across these channels.

In August 2023, we entered into a partnership with Immutable X to start their program with the zkEVM network. However, due to delays in the integration project of Immutable’s zkEVM, we opted for Arbitrum to deploy the Smart Contract, but we still have the NFT’s smart contract of the Mystery Box and Lands on Immutable X.

With this closer approach to the Arbitrum DAO, we began to strengthen ties that culminated in our participation in the Arbitrum Gaming program on Questbook, where we met Flook.

With this participation, we became even closer to the projects, and getting to know how Arbitrum’s work functioned for project proposals, acceptance, and mainly with the step-by-step support given for the construction of projects within the ecosystem, we understood that it would be a great ally to our project of creating a favorable environment for investment in the Brazilian gaming market.

Thus, in conversations with Jack from OffChain Labs about the milestones we needed to achieve to conquer some closer partnerships with Arbitrum, one of them was to be 100% working here.

Talking to Ricardo Gordon, ARB community admin, he gave me some names of projects that made this migration, so that I could clarify my doubts and understand the pros of this migration.

So I come to present our game, Data2073, which will be a community-building ecosystem and will feed investments in the gaming market, either as new game modes for DATA or new game IPs.

For this, we want a total of 150,000 ARBs, so that we can achieve our goals.

This amount can be converted into partnerships with companies from the Arbitrum ecosystem, to accelerate the construction of our game, be it in development, marketing, or community.

We want to have the privilege of actively participating in this community, helping to spread Arbitrum in Brazil and Latin America. We have a very capable team to carry out this work.

3. What’s on your roadmap?

2024: Public Beta and Growth

Quarter 2 (Q2) $75k ARB - 25k a month (Jun-Jul-Aug)

  • Public beta launch to a wider audience.
    • KPI - 500 early adopters (testing and first giveaways)
  • Implementation of a comprehensive marketing strategy. (detailed in our action plan below)
  • Ongoing development of gameplay features.
  • Refinement of smart contracts and blockchain integration.
    • Deployment of SmartContracts of our DATA token in Arbitrum One. (DONE)
  • Preparation for the game’s public beta.
    • Marketing Strategy:
      • Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your game. Utilize social media, online advertising, and other digital marketing channels to reach potential players.
        • Card presentation
        • History of our world
        • Features of our game
        • Features of our ecossystem
    • Community Building:
      • We are already building our presence within communities, but now we need to bring this community to our channel. We want, together with Arbitrum, to create a community around our game, where we will attract investors, entrepreneurs, and players from various areas.
        • KPI - 1000 discord active users
        • Airdrop and game testers with airdrop system
    • Influencer Collaboration:
      • Partner with gaming influencers and content creators to promote your game. Their audience may be interested in trying out new games based on their recommendations.
        • 50 influencers with one million followers at all.
    • Beta Testing:
      • Conduct beta testing to gather feedback and generate interest. Allow a limited number of players to try the game before the official launch, creating anticipation and word-of-mouth marketing.
    • Promotional Events:
      • Organize promotional events, giveaways, or tournaments to attract players. Offering exclusive in-game items or rewards can incentivize participation.
        • Participate in Jun/24 of NeOn one the greatest innovation event in Brazil.
          Participate in Jul/24 of Imagineland one the greatest geek event in Brazil, with a loto of international actors and gamers, with our open beta launch.
      • We will create promotional activities for those who play and participate in our beta tester ladder. Referred to as early adopters, they will receive benefits for testing the game and being involved in its development.
        • Ladder, battle pass and tournament include in our actual version.
      • We aim to attract tens of thousands of players, but more importantly, we want to bring in entrepreneurs to lead the communities (NFT LAND) that will host their own tournaments and competitions. Additionally, there will be opportunities for staking and scholarships.
        • Land is our primary engagement cornerstone
    • Cross-Promotion:
      • Explore partnerships with other game developers or platforms for cross-promotion. This can help you tap into existing player bases and increase visibility.
    • App Store Optimization (ASO):
      • Optimize your game’s presence on app stores with relevant keywords, appealing visuals, and a compelling description. This improves its discoverability among potential players.
    • Engaging Content:
      • Regularly update your game with new content, features, and events to keep existing players engaged and attract new ones.
    • Feedback Implementation:
      • Actively listen to player feedback and implement improvements. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also fosters a positive community around your game.
    • Referral Programs:
      • Implement referral programs where existing players can invite friends to join the game, earning rewards for both the referrer and the new player.
    • Localized Marketing:
      • Consider localizing your marketing efforts to target specific regions or languages, tailoring your approach to the preferences and interests of different player demographics.
  • Pre-seed funding sales (2% of our DATA token)
    • With Arbtrum DAO preferences.

Quarter 3 (Q3) $75k ARB - 35k Sep - 20k Oct - 20k Nov

  • Transition from public beta to an official early access launch.

    • Feedback Analysis: Review feedback from beta testers to identify areas for improvement and address any issues or bugs reported during the beta phase.
    • Polishing and Optimization: Polish game features, graphics, user interface, and overall gameplay based on feedback received. Optimize the game for performance across various devices and platforms.
    • Content Expansion: Expand the game’s content by adding new levels, characters, items, or features to enhance the player experience and provide additional value.
    • Stability Testing: Conduct rigorous testing to ensure the stability and reliability of the game client, addressing any technical issues or glitches that may affect gameplay.
    • Marketing Preparation: Develop a marketing strategy to promote the official early access launch, including creating promotional materials, planning advertising campaigns, and engaging with influencers or gaming communities.
    • Community Engagement: Engage with the game’s community to generate excitement and anticipation for the official launch. Provide updates, teasers, and behind-the-scenes content to keep players informed and engaged.
    • Pre-Launch Testing: Conduct pre-launch testing to validate the game client’s readiness for release, including compatibility testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing.
    • Launch Planning: Plan the official early access launch date and coordinate logistics, such as platform deployment, distribution channels, and support resources.
    • Communication Strategy: Develop a communication strategy to announce the official early access launch to the gaming community, press, and potential players, building anticipation and driving engagement.
    • Post-Launch Support: Provide ongoing support and updates to the game client after the official launch, addressing any issues, releasing patches or updates, and continuing to engage with the player community to gather feedback and improve the game experience.
  • Early Access Launch.

  • 3 factions with over 120 playable cards

  • Immediate post-launch support, including bug fixes and updates.

After this phase, we intend to proceed with the acceleration of our game, actively engaging with the Arbitrum community. Our focus is not only on actively participating in the community but, more importantly, on bringing in partners to foster mutual growth.

Quarter 4 (Q4)

  • Expansion of the player base and community-building efforts.

  • Partnerships and collaborations with other blockchain projects.

  • Content updates, and features, introducing a fourth Architect and its related Automaton Army.

  • Building a strong, active community around DATA2073.

  • Continued growth and ecosystem expansion.

  • New Game Mode.

2025: Official Launch and Beyond

Quarter 1 (Q1)

  • Optimization for scalability and blockchain performance.
  • Transition to full launch.
  • Full Launch
  • Regular content updates to maintain player engagement.

Quarter 2 (Q2)

  • Content updates, and features, introducing a fifth Architect and its related Automaton Army.
  • Ongoing player-driven development based on feedback and trends.
  • Hosting in-game events and tournaments to engage the community.

Quarter 3 (Q3)

  • Ensuring scalability and technical optimization.
  • Further ecosystem expansion and partnerships.
  • New Game Mode

Quarter 4 (Q4) and Beyond

  • Content updates, and features, introducing the sixth and seventh architects and their related Automaton Armies.
  • Continued support, updates, and community management.
  • Adaptation to evolving market conditions and player preferences.

This high-level roadmap provides a concise overview of the project’s development phases over a three-year period. It outlines key milestones, such as the public beta launch, official release, community building, partnerships, and ongoing player-driven development. This roadmap conveys a sense of the project’s growth and evolution, as well as the commitment to long-term success and sustainability, making it suitable for presentation in your whitepaper.


Phase 1: Q2 and Q3 of 2024

  • Post-Launch Marketing:
  • Implementation of effective marketing strategies to solidify DATA2073’ presence post-launch.
  • Marketing Collaboration with YouTubers and Twitter Influencers:
  • Establishment of strategic partnerships with content creators to enhance DATA2073 and partners visibility.
  • Marketing Collaboration with Telegram Group Owners:
  • Cooperation with Telegram group administrators to expand the community reach.
  • Achieve 1,000 Holders:
  • Targeted strategies to attract and retain a base of 1,000 holders of the DATA2073 token.
  • Attain a Market Capitalization of $500,000:
  • Implementation of measures to reach a market capitalization of half a million dollars.


In the second phase of our action plan, we aim to significantly expand our social media presence and attract influential personalities to amplify our reach. This initiative is crucial for enhancing brand visibility, engaging with our community, and fostering partnerships that contribute to the growth of DATA2073.

  1. Social Media Expansion:
  • Increase the frequency of posts across all major social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • Develop and share engaging content such as behind-the-scenes glimpses, game teasers, and community spotlights to create a more interactive online presence.
  • Utilize targeted advertising campaigns to reach a broader audience and attract potential holders and players.
  • Encourage community participation through polls, contests, and user-generated content to enhance engagement.
  1. Influencer Collaboration:
  • Identify and approach influencers within the gaming and cryptocurrency niche whose audience aligns with our target demographic.
  • Establish strategic partnerships with influencers to promote DATA2073 through sponsored content, gameplay videos, and reviews.
  • Leverage the credibility and reach of influencers to attract new users, holders, and potential investors.
  • Provide influencers with exclusive access to upcoming releases, NFT previews, and other exclusive content to generate excitement.
  1. Community Building:
  • Foster a sense of community on social media platforms by encouraging discussions, feedback, and user-generated content.
  • Establish a dedicated community management team to promptly respond to queries, concerns, and comments from our audience.
  • Organize virtual events, AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, and live Q&A sessions to strengthen the bond between the DATA2073 team and the community.
  1. Metrics and Analysis:
  • Implement robust analytics tools to monitor the performance of social media campaigns and influencer collaborations.
  • Regularly assess key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, follower growth, and sentiment analysis to refine our strategy.
  • Adjust our approach based on data-driven insights to maximize the impact of our social media and influencer initiatives.

By expanding our social media presence and fostering relationships with influencers, we aim to create a dynamic and engaged community while boosting Osten Games’ visibility within the gaming and crypto spheres. This multifaceted approach will contribute to achieving our goals of increased holders, market capitalization, and overall success in the industry.

PHASE 2: Starting from the $500,000 market capitalization and extending through Q4 2024

  • Ongoing Marketing with Top-Tier Companies and Marketing Influencers:
  • Expansion of marketing initiatives in collaboration with renowned companies and influencers.
  • Achieve 5,000 Holders:
  • Community expansion strategies to reach 5,000 holders of the DATA2073 token.
  • Listing on CoinGecko, Uniswap and CoinMarketCap:
  • Evaluation of options and selection of the best route for listing on CoinGecko, UNISWAP and CoinMarketCap.
  • Attain a Market Capitalization of $2.5 Million:
  • Specific strategies to achieve a market capitalization of 2.5 million dollars.
  • Preview of DATA2073 Game NFTs:
  • Pre-release showcase of game NFTs to engage the community and create anticipation.
  • Open Beta of DATA2073 First Game (Data2073):
  • Launch of the open beta for the game Data2073, a futuristic card game, providing elements for the development of other games.
  • Launch of DATA2073 Highly Customized NFT Marketplace with Treasure and Arbitrum:
  • Strategic collaboration with Treasure and Arbitrum for the launch of a highly customized NFT marketplace.

4. Please provide images (or preferably video) of the current state of your project or game.


Making Of:

Playable Multiplayer Alpha Stage Launch

5. Why do I require the grant?

We need this support to be able to launch our game in the open beta phase as well.

In our roadmap above, the grant require to complete quarter 2 and quarter 3 milestones.

We are aware of the challenges and initial costs, and since our game follows the Lean Startup format, we need partners like you to help us go fastest we can.

6. Why Arbitrum?

We are game entrepreneurship specialists.

Our team includes startup mentors and investors.

We understand that the gaming ecosystem lacks professionalism and entrepreneurial behaviors.

We see Arbitrum and other partnerships as a support system, enabling us to accelerate game studios and create projects with consistency, reducing risks for players and investors.

Considering the features Arbitrum offers, such as facilitating player transactions, low costs, and developer support, it is practically necessary for us to establish this partnership, already contemplating potential future collaborations.

Even though we understand that all these features above are important, what brought us closer to Arbitrum and led us to decide to invest our project in this chain is the active and extremely engaged community. Seeing community members working for it, thinking about the project’s future, the down-to-earth approach to choosing the best projects, and how to consistently make technology useful, made this our path to move forward together and perhaps lead this expansion in Brazil.

7. About Us:

Our team currently consists of 10 individuals exclusively dedicated and working physically in our hub, to this project. Within our team, we have one of Brazil’s most prominent advocates for blockchain, Fabiano Nagamatsu. He was voted the Best Mentor of 2022 by the Association of Startups of Brazil. Fabiano Nagamatsu serves as the Director of Venture Studio Capital Osten Moove, an Alumni of Inovativa Hub, a former Shark Tank evaluator, co-founder of Angel Investor Club, co-founder of the first Brazilian instant messaging application, co-founder of InspireIP Blockchain, SayMe (the first Brazilian instant messaging app), and GameForm. Additionally, he is a columnist for Startupi, an angel investor in 15 startups, and an advisor to 5 startups. He is a speaker, holds a master’s degree in innovation, and is an expert in HR, digital marketing, and high-performance finance. His educational background includes a degree in administration and technical expertise in the development of simulators and serious games. Fabiano is a dedicated researcher, gaming enthusiast, and investor.

Thiago Monteiro our BIZZDEV and Community Manager, Web 3.0 Advocate with 5+ years’ experience, dedicated to global empowerment through decentralized technologies, fostering democracy and technological progress. Over the last 4 years, I’ve spearheaded the expansion of communities in Brazil and Latin America for influential global blockchain protocols, fostering connections worldwide.

Marisardo Filho our Game Director Game designer with over thirteen years in the game industry, with experience in PC, console, web, and mobile titles. Specializing in gameplay, systems design, mobile game design, F2P, game concept, and team leadership. I have four graduate degrees (computer science, game development, graphic design, and financial management), two specializations (Information Technology, Multimedia Creation) a master’s degree in Design (focused on game design), and a Ph.D. in Design (focused on game design). Besides that, I have been working on games since 2010, in laboratories and industry, and also making research about usability, interaction design, design methodology, and game design since the same date. Furthermore, I have many presentations in lectures, where the subject matter was game design or the game industry. The themes are following below: - F2P Acquisition, Retention and Monetization technics in F2P Games; - Gameplay X Narrative in the game design; - Game Mechanics and Interaction Design on the games; - Game Design: Creativity and the Game Market; - Production of Digital Games.

Hitallo Duarte our Lead Artist, has been immersed in the world of gaming since 2018, contributing both in gaming labs and in the industry. He holds a degree in Graphic Design and a postgraduate degree in Digital Design. With over 5 years of experience, he focuses his efforts on User Interface and User Experience Design for games on mobile devices, PC, and consoles, as well as conceptual character design.

Furthermore, we have our CEO, Marco Maia, an economist with postgraduate degrees in Project Management, Finance, and Business Management from FGV. Marco has been an entrepreneur for over 10 years, a facilitator for the UN’s EMPRETEC program for entrepreneurial behavior, and has various specializations. Since 2019, he has been dedicated to developing and accelerating projects in the gaming market.


The Arbitrum network is considered advantageous for several reasons:

  • Scale and Performance: Arbitrum is known for its ability to efficiently process a large number of transactions, offering remarkable scalability compared to traditional networks.
  • Low Fees: The Arbitrum network generally features lower transaction fees compared to other networks, which is appealing to both developers and users.
  • EVM Compatibility: Arbitrum is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing developers to easily migrate existing Ethereum applications to Arbitrum, leveraging the infrastructure already in place.
  • Interoperability: The network is designed to be interoperable with Ethereum, facilitating the seamless movement of assets and applications between the two networks.
  • Security: Arbitrum utilizes the underlying security of Ethereum, contributing to the reliability and integrity of transactions.
  • Community Support: The network is backed by an active community and a dedicated team of developers, contributing to the continuous evolution and improvement of the platform.

These combined factors make Arbitrum an attractive choice for developers and users interested in a scalable and efficient second-layer solution for decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. As we form partnerships for our significant journey, it makes perfect sense for us to work together.

Game Name: DATA2073 - Trading Card Game (TCG)


Welcome to Defenders After The Apocalypse 2073 (DATA2073), an immersive series of fully decentralized games set in a post-apocalyptic world populated by formidable high-tech combat robots, known as DATA Automatons. Dive into a multitude of gameplay possibilities, embark on quests to acquire mighty DATA Automatons, and wield them in Arena battles or trade them on the exchange. These interconnected games offer versatile utility for your collections throughout the series.

DATA2073 is constructed as a comprehensive decentralized protocol, delivering players an advanced blockchain gaming experience. Stakers wield influence by voting on various aspects of the game and its tokenomics, enabling them to shape the project’s future. Furthermore, they enjoy regular yields and a share of the game’s revenue.

Please note that this whitepaper serves as the primary authoritative document for communicating DATA2073’s features and gameplay, and it may undergo updates in line with the game’s development and community feedback. Then, consider this document can have changes in the future.

As one of our fundamental pillars is centered around enjoyment, we prioritize the quality of animations and effects, considering them as essential features. The mechanics for enhancing assets, whether they are cards or skins, are exclusively cosmetic, enriching the overall visual experience of the game.

Given that our entire game is crafted in 3D, we can seamlessly leverage the same models across various game modes, ensuring a consistent and versatile gaming experience.

Business Model:

Our business model is based on a card game, which will serve as the foundation for other game modes.

These additional game modes will utilize the NFTs generated by the generating cards, allowing players to enhance their collections and develop strategies in various game modes.

In addition to the cards, we will have Lands, which are formed by guilds where players can build their communities or partnerships. They can rent NFTs to other players, engage in token and NFT staking, and participate in specific guild tournaments to earn unique rewards.

Other game modes will be developed by the DATA2073 team or other teams, fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem connected by the assets and NFTs of the market.

Our differentiator

We have a differentiator that puts us ahead of others.

We are also a business accelerator in the gaming market, with experts in acceleration, mentoring, and entrepreneurial behavior methodology.

All of this, combined with a vast network of partners to assist in game development, will allow us to reduce project risks and increase the chances of success for entrepreneurs and investors.

Our game, DATA2073, innovates by placing the community at the center of the game, providing NFT investors and gaming community leaders with tools to monetize their work.

Whether a streamer, a pro player, or simply an investor with a community, they can collaborate with their community to develop their space economically, engage more people, and lead changes in the project’s progress.


Company Name


Country of Incorporation


Website URL (if no website leave it blank)

Company Twitter URL (if no Twitter leave it blank)

Company LinkedIn URL (if no LinkedIn leave it blank)


Location of Team (Country where Team members are located)


Entrepreneur (Founder) Name

Marco Maia

Founder Linkedin URL

Founder Email Address

Do you want to add details about your Co-Founder?


Co-Founder Name

Marisardo Filho

Co-Founder Linkedin URL

Co-Founder Email Address

Do you want to add details about your another Co-Founder?


Co-Founder Name

Fabiano Nagamatsu

Co-Founder Linkedin URL

Co-Founder Email Address

Is your Company using Emerging Technology






Play to Earn

Company Short Description

What are you building?

Data 2073 is a Trading Card game project initiated in 2021 by Osten Games, a Brazilian game acceleration company aiming to expand the Brazilian gaming market globally.

The narrative of our game unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has just been decimated by a great war, leaving only fast-learning AI as inhabitants of our planet. Shortly after, these AI entities begin to organize themselves to create their own civilization, sparking an internal war for con

Describe the Problem that you are solving

We are entrepreneurship specialists.

Our team includes startup mentors and investors.

We understand that the gaming ecosystem lacks professionalism and entrepreneurial behaviors.

We see Blockchain Founders Fund and other partnerships as a support system, enabling us to accelerate game studios and create projects with consistency, reducing risks for players and investors.

Describe the Solution

Our business model is based on a card game, which will serve as the foundation for other game modes.

These additional game modes will utilize the NFTs generated by the generating cards, allowing players to enhance their collections and develop strategies in various game modes.

In addition to the cards, we will have Lands, which are formed by guilds where players can build their communities or partnerships. They can rent NFTs to other players, engage in token and NFT staking, and participate in

What Challenges are you facing

Pre-seed funding

2024: Public Beta and Growth

How much capital has been raised/invested (in USD) (If none enter “0”)

$150000 Arb

Anything else you want to tell us?

Our differentiator

We have a differentiator that puts us ahead of others.

We are also a business accelerator in the gaming market, with experts in acceleration, mentoring, and entrepreneurial behavior methodology.

All of this, combined with a vast network of partners to assist in game development, will allow us to reduce project risks and increase the chances of success for entrepreneurs and investors.

Our game, DATA2073, innovates by placing the community at the center of the game.

My name is Marco Maia, I m CEO of Osten Games.

My telegram is @marcoaureliorm
My linkedn is

Thank you for your attention and support.