[KeplerHomes] [FINAL] [STIP - Round 1]


Provide personal or organizational details, including applicant name, contact information, and any associated organization. This information ensures proper identification and communication throughout the grant process.

Applicant Name: Matt

Project Name: KeplerHomes

Project Description: The Kepler galaxy is a livable second home for humans. The laws of physics are no longer fully valid. Since everything that happens here is different from the earth, let us open a new autonomous world here.

In terms of the gameplay of the initial version, KeplerHomes is an MMORPG open world game. The early developers of KeplerHomes respected the spirit of decentralization and decentralization. The concept of an autonomous world is the ultimate goal pursued by KeplerHomes. Game equipment, items, and missions are created and designed by core contributors and the broader community to explore every corner of the KeplerHomes galaxy.

Explore the endless possibilities of the KeplerHomes galaxy, where the community’s creativity and dreams come true.

Team Members and Qualifications:

Dustin – Kepler Master Plan

Fannie – KeplerHomes CPO

Alan – KeplerHomes Architect & Co-Founder

Jasper – KeplerHomes BD

Matt – KeplerHomes Co-Founder

Project Links:
Official website:https://kepler.homes/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KeplerHomes
Github:kepler-homes · GitHub

Contact Information:

TG: Telegram: Contact @matt_kepler Telegram: Contact @jasperzw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasperr0x
Email: jasper@kepler.homes

Do You Acknowledge That Your Team WIll Be Subject to a KYC Requirement?: [Yes]


Detail the requested grant size, provide an overview of the budget breakdown, specify the funding and contract addresses, and describe any matching funds if relevant.

Requested Grant Size: 960,000 $ARB

Grant Matching: N/A

Grant Breakdown:

A high-level breakdown of the grant is as follows (detail provided in Section 3):

1.240K ARB for 12 Weeks, KeplerHomes NFT MarketPlace Trading Contest

2.360K ARB for 12 weeks, Social@KeplerHomes launches multi-dimensional incentive pool for contributors

3.240K ARB for 12 weeks, Social@KeplerHomes random bonus pool (there are certain requirements for the daily activity of users on the KeplerHomes Social chain)

  1. 120K ARB is used to guide KEPL-LP liquidity incentives (which will last for 4 weeks after the 8-week incentive event) and end simultaneously with the overall event

Total: 960K ARB

Funding Address:0xfeb489fe0AB6D0486Fb9c932bB203d3883A5C6a3

Funding Address Characteristics: Safe Multisig with 3/5 owned by the team members.

Contract address: 0xfeb489fe0AB6D0486Fb9c932bB203d3883A5C6a3


Clearly outline the primary objectives of the project and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to measure success. This helps reviewers understand what the project aims to achieve and how progress will be assessed.

KeplerHomes aims to be the Arbitrum ecosystem’s premier highly playable open world MMORPG.
As we all know, the attention of truly active Web3 users is difficult to focus and lock for a long time. Social@KeplerHomes will solve this problem well and lock users’ attention on the Arbitrum ecosystem. Incentivizing non-Arbitrum chain users to come to Arbitrum is a good start, and Social@KeplerHomes enables interaction between users, allowing their sense of accomplishment to be reflected in the form of price in Social@KeplerHomes, which fundamentally changes the project and relationship between users.

Note: Social is a social gameplay launched by KeplerHomes on Arbitrum One & Twitter before the official launch of the MMOPRG main game, allowing users to trade with each other in the form of Keys.
(Social@Kepler has completed the development of UI, front-end APP, contract and API, and has entered the testing stage before going online. It is expected to be officially launched for Arbitrum network users around October 7, 2023)

Frankly speaking, this was not our original idea, and we are very grateful to Friend.tech for inspiring us. KeplerHomes has made micro-iterations of this type of social gameplay, and will later integrate lightweight social games (such as crypto farms) to enhance the on-chain activity and interactivity of real users. In this way, even if the subsequent incentive amount is small and has no intensity, users can still have fun. The ultimate goal is to increase Arbitrum One’s incremental real user retention and activity, as well as Arbitrum One’s active user traffic, thereby increasing the value of the entire Arbitrum ecosystem.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

In order to objectively evaluate Social@KeplerHomes’ initiatives in Arbitrum’s short-term incentives, several objectives were set:

1. Add the number of valid user wallet addresses:
Social@KeplerHomes uses the MPC wallet mechanism and a third-party API interface, which is secure and has been verified by large-scale applications. After 0.01 ETH is required to activate the wallet address, it is bound to Twitter to determine the authenticity of the user’s identity and is considered a valid user.

2. User trading activity on Arbitrum:
The Social@KeplerHomes function will deploy a formal contract on Arbitrum One, and the frequency of transactions between users and the contract can be intuitively reflected using Dune.

3. User trading volume on Arbitrum:
Keys Price in Social@KeplerHomes is an important indicator for evaluating users. The recent data results achieved by similar social & gaming applications are obvious to all. Keys Price is also the main driving force for users to promote Arbitrum One &Social@KeplerHomes to their friends in the process of exploring the value of themselves and other players.

4. The total value locked (TVL) of Social@KeplerHomes in the smart contract on Arbitrum:

GameFi does not have a TVL evaluation indicator similar to DEFI, but Friend.tech has achieved amazing explosiveness and stability in TVL in a short period of time. Of course, there are many factors for success. We also objectively realize that this does not mean that Social@KeplerHomes can achieve the same achievements, but it can serve as a good reference basis. Optimistic predictions, cautious predictions, and no exaggeration are the pragmatic work style of the KeplerHomes team. KeplerHomes strives to maximize its combined operating capabilities. Improve the TVL in Arbitrum One and bring more incremental TVL.

How will receiving a grant enable you to foster growth or innovation within the Arbitrum ecosystem?:

KeplerHomes started building in October 2021, and has now completed updates to 5 internal beta versions of the game (the video of the game has been uploaded to YouTube). From day one when building KeplerHomes, we have been committed to long-termism and the philosophy of building a sustainable, highly playable game. KeplerHomes In the long-term construction and communication process of Arbitrum, we marvel at Arbitrum’s community-oriented, strong execution, and pragmatic governance philosophy. Arbitrum has always insisted on doing the right things. This further strengthens KeplerHomes’ confidence in bringing growth and continuous innovation to the Arbitrum ecosystem.
Specific measures are as follows:

  1. The MMOPRG game is a relatively heavy product development cycle. A long wait does not allow users to see what they get like DEFI applications. How to deliver playable and interactive products to users is something we actively think about and implement. There are many factors that need to be considered: incremental users, bottleneck boundaries, retention rates, real interaction data, TVL contribution, and sustainability. . Social@KeplerHomes is an experience product that we will officially deliver to users on 2023/10/7. The above multiple factors have been considered in the innovation and design of the mechanism. Continuously increasing the correlation between online lightweight gameplay and games is our pragmatic work point.

  2. KeplerHomes has originally developed the NFT MarketPlace, Passport Mint module, Allowlist module, and PreSale module in the Arbitrum ecosystem, and all contracts have been submitted to Github for open source. It can help more developers who want to join the Arbitrum ecosystem, provide them with reference ideas and reduce development costs. Contribute a small amount to the growth of users in the Arbitrum ecosystem. We will continue to optimize and update the user experience of these functional modules in the future.

  3. KeplerHomes is aware that Stylus has technically broken through the bottleneck of EVM and supports C++, C, and Rust, which will greatly improve the performance boundaries of on-chain games. The technology stack applied to KeplerHomes is very complex, covering C++, C#, React, Golang, and Solidity. The KeplerHomes team is fully capable of continuously contributing new functional code modules to the Arbitrum ecosystem, while constantly innovating in game logic and gameplay.

  4. Social@KeplerHomes is an important functional module launched by short-term KeplerHomes in the Aritrum ecosystem. Social can actively bring user growth and the ability to get out of the circle for Arbitrum in many aspects. Social is a very broad concept. From a growth perspective, it is not only Twitter users, but also touches Telegram, Discord, Reddit, Youtube, and FaceBook users. , Social@KeplerHomes will continue to cover and focus on users operating different social apps in the subsequent update process. Although the above requires time and phased focus, Twitter is something we can quickly cover at the moment.

  5. Social@KeplerHomes will use 30% of the Social protocol revenue to give back to KeplerHomes Presale supporters to thank them for their support and trust in KeplerHomes. At the same time, 10% of the income from the planning arrangement agreement will be set up to be allocated as an incentive contract and deployed in Arbitrum.
    Justification for the size of the grant:
    From March 2023 to June 2023, KeplerHomes AirdropBox for Arbitrum Odyssey users received extensive attention and participation from Arbitrum users.

KEPLER NFT ON Arbitrum’s data performance to date:

Kepler PFP NFT, number of claims: 8,008 – holders: 6,308
Contract address: 0xE406ae51389ACaDF87964cE0073B9724cc25d25C

AirdropKey NFT, number of claims: 115,622 – holders: 6,725
Contract address: 0x33bcaeb9392009b7fe90c73b00fa66bbaa69ad7c

AirDropBox NFT, number of claims: 178,006 – holders: 4,057
Contract address: 0x03e3fa5c54ee6ae1a7a2843639bf179bc6f7b6bd

KeplerHomes AirdropBox plans to extend the above NFT Claim time, and unclaimed KEPLER NFT rewards will be transferred to Social@KeplerHomes’ next round of large-scale user incentive activities, thereby motivating other on-chain users who have never been exposed to Arbitrum, and combined with Arbitrum short-term contracts Incentivize users to join the Social @KeplerHomes and Arbitrum ecosystem.

Regarding Social@KeplerHomes’ assistance and expected contribution to the Arbitrum ecosystem, please see the details above and will not go into details here.

Execution Strategy:

If the KeplerHomes grant is approved, ARB tokens will be sent to the reward contract address
The specific execution plan is as follows:

KeplerHomes NFT MarketPlace Transaction Mining Rewards

(KeplerHomes provides AirdropBoxKey with advanced attributes. Supplementary explanation: The NFT market is subject to the influence of the general environment, and liquidity has become increasingly low. It is undeniable that NFT assets are important assets other than ERC20 in Arbitrum & games, and users are encouraged to trade NFT assets. It is of great significance to the Arbitrum ecology)

Top 20 users by trading volume
(10K ARB/week, lasting for 12 weeks, total 120K ARB reward)

1st Place – 3,000 ARB
2nd Place – 1,500 ARB
3rd place – 600 ARB
4th-20th place - 300 ARB

Users who click Offer and have top 20 trading volume
(10K ARB/week, lasting for 12 weeks, total 120K ARB reward)

1st Place – 3,000 ARB
2nd Place – 1,500 ARB
3rd place – 600 ARB
4th-20th place - 300 ARB

Social@KeplerHomes multi-dimensional incentive pool for active contributors
(30K/week, lasting for 12 weeks, total 360K ARB rewards)

  • Reward 9K ARB according to user Key price - 30%
  • Rewards based on the Key Values held by the user: 15K ARB - 50%
  • Incentive 6K ARB based on the number of user key holders - 20%

Social@KeplerHomes random bonus pool
(20K ARB/week, lasting 12 weeks, total 240K ARB rewards)

  • Random rewards for new valid users every week (wallet balance>0.01EH) 6K ARB -30%

  • Randomly reward 8K ARB to the top 200 traders by trading volume every week - 40%

  • Weekly trading points TOP 200 ranking 6K ARB - 30%
    Grant Timeline:
    The above-mentioned contract reward activities began to be implemented to reward users shortly after KeplerHomes received funding from Arbitrum.

120K ARB is used to guide KEPL-LP liquidity incentives
(which will last for 4 weeks after the 8-week incentive event) and end simultaneously with the overall event

If this proposal is greater than 1M ARB, please provide details on any funding tranches or milestones your application aims to abide by:[N/A]


Provide details about the Arbitrum protocol requirements relevant to the grant. This information ensures that the applicant is aligned with the technical specifications and commitments of the grant.

Is the protocol native to Arbitrum? :

KeplerHomes is not a native Arbitrum protocol, but Arbitrum is a primary target at both the development and operations levels. Due to the characteristics of the product itself, there is a very large demand for user growth indicators, so from the beginning KeplerHomes was designed from the perspective of multi-chain

KeplerHomes Arbitrum contract:

CA:0x07cA21CD429A1cE28DFDe9fD9AFbA5CF09b3f6ff (KeplerHomes veToken)

CA: 0xE406ae51389ACaDF87964cE0073B9724cc25d25C (KeplerHomes PFP NFT)

CA: 0x33bcaeb9392009b7fe90c73b00fa66bbaa69ad7c (AirDropKey NFT)

CA: 0x03e3fa5c54ee6ae1a7a2843639bf179bc6f7b6bd (AirDropBox NFT)

CA:0xf13245c3418afda822c687a3ce37a75b7c3d96dc (KeplerHomes: Presale)

CA:0x5384f6AFA44056234dC8F790Dfd2C2b44A993ca9 (KeplerHomes NFT MarketPlace)

On what other networks is this protocol deployed? : Yes, Ethereum,Base Chain, Aptos,BNB Chain .

What date did you deploy on Arbitrum?:2022-12-16

Protocol performance:

In March 2023, KeplerHomes began to launch an AirDropBox airdrop activity of up to 1 million for users who have obtained Arbitrum airdrops, Odyssey, GMX, Magic, GNS and other major protocols. It has attracted widespread attention from Arbitrum ecological users. As of June 2023, there have been 993,284 AirDropBox has been confirmed by the user.

The data for user Claim AirDropBox NFT is as follows:

Kepler PFP NFT, number of claims: 8,008 – holders: 6,308
AirdropKey NFT, number of claims: 115,622 – holders: 6,725
AirDropBox NFT, number of claims: 178,006 – holders: 4,057

KeplerHomes NFT has gained good exposure in mainstream NFT trading markets such as OpenSea/Element.Market/Kepler Market.

KeplerHomes PreSale, launched by KeplerHomes in April 2023, has already received the support and participation of Arbitrum users >150,000 ARB & USD (equivalent calculation). We are deeply grateful and KeplerHomes will give back to our supporters in subsequent Social@KeplerHomes and other incentive activities.

KeplerHomes Roadmap:

2023 Q3-Q4

  • Start prototyping/front-end development/contract development for Social@KeplerHomes

  • Complete the testing, launch and marketing of Social@KeplerHomes

  • Conduct community survey activities to collect feedback and suggestions from the community

  • Base and Social launch a lightweight on-chain game (crypto farm)

  • Set Social@KeplerHomes operational goals and continue to optimize Social products

2024 Q1-Q2

  • Completed Arbitrum ecological token issuance plan

  • In-game NFT brand partners

  • List KEPL Token on Dex

  • Kepler and Social@KeplerHomes have launched a total of 2 lightweight on-chain games

  • Complete the development of more instance areas of the game

  • Updated game character prototype settings and new game professions

  • Increase game combat details and combat effects

  • Complete the game PvP combat system design, matching system, and numerical design

  • Add new monster characters and dungeon quests to the game

    Audit History:

SECTION 6: Data and Reporting

Provide details on how your team is equipped to provide data and reporting on grant distribution.
Is your team ready to create Dune dashboards based on the program requirements of your incentive program?

Yes, we can create Dune dashboards based on the program requirements of the incentive program.

If not, how does your team plan to report grant data?

Of course, we will provide key metrics every two weeks, as well as comprehensive reports detailing the utilization of all grants.

Does your team acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above requests can result in the halting of the program’s funding stream?: [Y/N]


The team has been diligently nurturing and managing our project, and successfully amassed a substantial user base. What remains is seizing the perfect opportunity to launch.

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I have been tracking this project for a long time, and I think keplerhomes’s a very nice project. The project team has always had great ideas, and the user base should be quite large. Last time that airdrop was on the Arbitrum chain, and even more than 100K users participated, I remember. I am extremely supportive of this project.

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I followed it very early on, keplerhames won’t disappoint me

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Hello @matt_kepler thank you for your application! Your submission meets all requirements to be considered for a snapshot vote.

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Hey Matt_StableLab, Thank you very much, and also thank you all Arbitrum users for your support.

Hello @matt_kepler ,

Now that your application has been marked eligible, please be advised of the remaining steps in the application process to be completed prior to the Review Period Deadline:

Please complete the following steps required for your application to proceed to Snapshot:

To change your proposal to final, please tag an Arbitrum Foundation Forum Moderator (@ stonecoldpat @ cliffton.eth @ eli_defi) by the Review Period deadline to notify them of your proposal’s readiness to proceed from [Draft] to [Final] status.

Once notified, the Arbitrum Foundation Forum Moderator will adjust your title from [Draft] to [Final] status. Once marked as [FInal], your application post will be locked by moderators and you will no longer be able to edit your proposal.

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Hey, @stonecoldpat @cliffton.eth @eli_defi KeplerHomes’ proposal is ready to move from [draft] to [final] status. Thank you all.

Post has been set to FINAL and locked.

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I have to vote no. I don’t think mmorg games will be attractive for Arbitrum in the next few months, tho I am bullish on the sector in the long run, especially during the next bull run. The competition is tight here and this one is cool and unique, but didn’t make the cut. :-/

Thank you for clearly presenting the proposal, detailing the project’s compliance with Arbitrum protocol requirements, protocol performance, future plans, and approaches to reporting on grant distribution. This allows us to see the project’s goals for creating value and sustainable growth within the Arbitrum ecosystem. We want to express that we embrace innovative ideas, and this project should definitely be supported. However, we are unsure about the timing.

As ITU Blockchain, we vote ‘Abstain’ on this proposal.