[KyberSwap] Bi-Weekly Update [1 DECEMBER 2023]
Recap of the Previous Two Weeks
Unfortunately, KyberSwap Elastic was exploited from 22 November 2023, 10:54:09 PM UTC, resulting in exploitative swaps by an exploiter, which drained approximately $48.8 million of users’ funds from KyberSwap Elastic liquidity pools. The team has been supporting law enforcement and cybersecurity on track-down of the exploiter and recovery of users’ funds taken from them.
More info: https://x.com/KyberNetwork/status/1728115858889929021?s=20
As such, we have the following summary regarding our STIP grant allocations so far:
On November 17th, we launched 24 farms on Arbitrum, using 361,000 $ARB and 61,500 $KNC rewards: https://x.com/KyberNetwork/status/1725504031165227280?s=20
We used 361,000 STIP ARB for the first phase of STIP farms, which is roughly 11,645.1612903226 STIP ARB daily, which from November 17th → 23rd is 6 days, so ~69,870.9677419355 STIP ARB has been spent. We recovered ~291,129 STIP ARB in total.
So for STIP ARB:
- Total claimed: 428,572 ARB
- Used: 69,870.9677419355 ARB
- Recovered: 291,129.0322580645 ARB (361,000 - 69,870.9677419355)
- Unused: 67,572 ARB
=> Total unused + recovered: 358,701.0322580645 ARB
Plan For the Next Two Weeks
For now, I am in talks with the Arbitrum STIP Multisig on a potential delay in STIP grant distribution, among other potential outcomes.
I will keep everyone updated here.
Please contact me if you have further questions.
Sasha Mai
TG: @sashamai