LTI Pilot Program Position Application Thread


  • Name: Travis Skweres
  • Position I am applying for: Advisor
  • TG (Telegram) handle: tsquared03
  • Twitter handle: TravDoesDeFi
  • Affiliations Co-Founder of Vela Exchange

Why You:

  • Why would You be the best candidate for this position?

I’m a self-taught architect / software engineer that’s been involved in the crypto space since 2012. Having been in this industry for such a long time, I’ve seen quite a bit - including bull and bear markets come and go, and have observed what it takes to become a lasting, impacting project in the ecosystem. Some of my notable stories and accomplishments from over the years include:

  • Buying my first Bitcoin on Mt. Gox for sub-$100

  • Losing some of said Bitcoin on Mt. Gox after not taking it off ( I still get the settlement letters via email )

  • Starting one of of the first Crypto <> Fiat exchanges in the US, which was acquired a few years later

  • Testifying during Silk Road to help put away bad guys

  • Seeing Vitalik speak in 2014 on why I should buy into the Ethereum, and passing

  • Punching myself in the face ever since

  • Built an early crypto tracker which achieved hundreds of thousands of downloads & customers, and was acquired in 2019

  • Went and worked for BCG for several years, learning how to not just be a hacker / builder but be a professional

  • Anon contributor & builder for some of the first bridges and swap DEXes to launch in DeFi, I’ve deployed dapps on just about every EVM

  • Started what would become Vela Exchange, building and working with the best team in DeFi today to launch and operate one of the top perp DEXes in the world

All of this to say… I’m a thrice startup founder with two exits, and my current company Vela Exchange is one of the leading perpetual DEXes on Arbitrum with over $7B in volume since our public beta. This extensive background (I believe) will give me the ability to objectively and fairly evaluate potential projects and bring a unique and insightful perspective from the the technical and product side on whether I think they’ll be a valuable addition to the Arbitrum ecosystem. I have served as a startup advisor and board member for many companies, but this will be my first post as an advisor for the DAO, I look forward to working with you all in the mission of furthering the adoption of Arbitrum & DeFi.

Incentive Application:

  • What do you think a good incentive application looks like?

When evaluating potential projects, teams, and applications - I will be asking myself the following questions:

  1. Is this dapp a good idea, original, innovative? Not just a fork of code from another ecosystem, but is it truly going to move the needle in terms of bringing something new and different to the ecosystem?

  2. Has the team shown that they are able to execute, ship code, and produce an MVP? As a builder I’m biased towards projects that have a product, can show a demo or MVP, or already have traction and users vs those with just a whitepaper

  3. Does the dapp and / or application align with Arbitrum chains goals? Will it potentially bring exposure and new users to the Arbitrum ecosystem, and drive TVL & transactions?

  4. Is the grant ask reasonable? Do I believe with the amount allocated and the guardrails put in place around deliverables - that the team can successfully ship the product and make an impact? Do they need more? Should they have asked for less?

  5. Regardless of grant, does the team have a long term mission / vision that is inspiring, will withstand the crypto winters, and do I think that they’ve got a shot at becoming a lasting project in DeFi?

Goals for this Program:

  • What are your goals for this program?
  1. My primary goal for this program is to help attract prolific projects and builders to the Arbitrum ecosystem. When the Arbitrum ecosystem grows and thrives, we all grow and thrive in my view. Through this program if we can increase the brand value and awareness of Arbitrum, and increase TVL, transactions and other key metrics, we’ve won. Ultimately the success of the program should be measured not just by quantity but by the quality of projects it brings to the platform.

  2. Crypto is a marathon, not a sprint. My second goal is to participate and take learnings, successes, and shortcomings from this program and apply it to future proposals and programs in the ecosystem.

  3. My third goal is a selfish one - I want to improve and grow as an active participant in the DAO. Being a heads-down style of builder, I’m guilty of often writing and shipping code, but not necessarily coming up to see what else is going on in the ecosystem, what other great projects are in the pipeline etc. I believe I have valuable experience and advice that I can bring to projects & applicants, which will also allow me to keep an eye out for future partnerships or products that fit well with what we’re building at Vela.