LTI Pilot Program Position Application Thread


Name: dumbird

Position I am applying for: Council Member

TG: @realdumbird


Affiliations: I’m a growth contributor at MUX Protocol and represent MUX delegates in Arbitrum DAO governance

Why would You be the best candidate for this position?

  • Good understanding of Web3 growth strategies
    • I have hands-on experience working with web3 builders on Arbitrum and designing growth strategies for user adoption, liquidity bootstrapping, community building and organic volume & revenue growth without relying heavily on incentives; meanwhile, based on research, getting involved in designing various incentivization programs and performance tracking, I have a relatively good understanding the effectiveness of various approaches.
    • I aim to apply what I have learned from the above experiences to ensure the grant program can boost Arbitrum projects effectively while ensuring sustainable spending and growth for both protocols and the ecosystem.
  • Long-term alignment with the Aribtrum ecosystem since day 1
    • As an ecosystem builder, heavy user, DAO delegate representative, and community holder, I have been an Aribturm supporter since day 1. I will combine the perspectives from various roles to help ensure the grant program’s effectiveness and sustainability.
      • Builder perspective: Apply appropriate incentivization strategies and reasonable grant size to help boost protocol growth.
      • User perspective: Identify protocols and strategies that offer good usability, solutions that address web3 user pain points, and innovative approaches that can help to onboard more users to the ecosystem and increase exposure.
      • Delegate perspective: Apply the collective framework and learnings from this and previous programs to help shape a reasonable incentive structure and aim to make Arbitrum a welcoming and innovative ecosystem for builders and users in various sectors.
      • Holder perspective: Ensure the program spending strategies are sustainable and won’t act negatively toward the treasury or attract mercenary capital to exploit the programs.
  • Strong interest in a wide variety of sectors
    • Although my contributor experiences have been mainly in DeFi, I have a strong interest and have been a user in various sectors, including NFT, Gaming, DePIN, Memes, and more.
    • My hope for the LITP program is to support builders from various sectors to ensure the ecosystem can be the go-to place for users with diverse interests.
  • Web3 native & good understanding of on-chain users
    • Based on my experiences of being a heavy on-chain user and helping a web3 protocol to go from 0 to 1 and have relatively good organic performance in its sector, I have a good understanding of on-chain user behaviors and the profile of “real” users. I aim to apply what I have learned to help protocols identify the right strategies to achieve needed results.

What do you think a good incentive application looks like?

  • The application needs to have clear KPIs and milestones to define program success and a strategic long-term plan for retaining the users and TVL after the program wraps up.
  • The applications should indicate long-term alignment with the Aribtrum ecosystem and their commitment to continuous contribution.
  • Appropriate grant size based on the protocol’s current stage, track record, protocol stats, feature offerings, and proposed incentivization structure.
  • The proposed incentivization program should actively avoid promoting wash-trading or artificial incentives farming strategies that hardly contribute long-term value to the ecosystem.

What are your goals for this program?

  • Sustainably boost ecosystem metrics, including TVL, user adoption, volume, and sequencer fees.
    • Help speed up adoption for protocols with innovative offerings, good usability & features, and further onboard and retain users for the Arbitrum ecosystem long-term.
    • Avoid mercenary capital, wash-trading, sybil-attack type of engagement farming, and artificially boosted performance that will drop dramatically after the incentives program ends.
  • Continuously increase the exposure of the ecosystem and make it a welcoming and innovative space for both builders and users.
  • Apply what we have learned from previous programs and help to improve future grant programs, frameworks, and DAO governance processes.