We hosted a Mentimeter survey during the GRC call last month on Oct. 30th. Here are some interesting results.
This shows who participated in the survey.
This allowed for open entry of suggestions of our most important metrics. Next month, we will do a multi-select or ranking version using the outputs from this month.
I think this is the key chart to watch over a few months. The colored hump behind the score represents the distribution of answers. Notice that the only one that is truly low in the distribution is our confidence in holding initiatives accountable.
This shows that the most intense desire of the respondents is to accelerate network effects to attract and retain builders.
Here we see a strongly supported opinion that in the monthly call, the most important thing to see is if the initiatives are hitting milestones to demonstrate their success along the way to completion of thier project. Look at what they found to be less important for sharing on the call.
I’m looking forward to testing this for a few months to see if longitudinal data helps us make better sense of what is happening in the DAO. Feel free to DM me for suggestions.