After reading the proposal and comments from other delegates, I want to share my thoughts and ideas.
How a 10x magnification can lead us to an increase economic foundation of the program, create a better environment for organic participation? The DIP has not even reached the 100 active members which it wanted to recruit for its participation.
Based on this, we need to think not about increasing the limits, but rather narrowing them so that new participants can get into the DIP. We need at least 100 active participants so that there is healthy competition, otherwise the program participants will degrade due to the lack of new ideas and the laziness of the participants due to a lack of motivation to do anything, since there is no competition.
Further, such a division into first-class and second-class delegates undermines the foundations of equality of all participants in the DIP as such. I also want to note that this will lead to abuse and nepotism, when first-level delegates will recommend their friends or relatives as second-level delegates and rank them higher than third-party delegates with the same indicators. And this, in turn, will only harm the DAO and the DIP.
Next you write that:
As I already described above, we have a shortage of delegates and, in turn, a shortage of comments. You are now saying that there are too many empty comments, even when we do not have 100 participants in the program! This sounds very strange. On the contrary, we need more new ideas and statements.
Further, increase in limits and dividing delegates into castes will not lead to an improvement in Organic Participation. It seems to me on the contrary, this will lead to a decline in creativity and laziness due to the lack of competition.
Empty comments for show’s sake need to be dealt with differently. The idea occurred to me that we need to make it possible for each delegate to comment on each proposal only once. This will lead to the fact that each participant will think about what to write, saving other participants from unnecessary second, third, and so on comments from the same delegate about the same proposal.
Something like this. I don’t want to offend anyone here. Just my thoughts.
I am a small delegaor, just in case