The following reflects the views of the Lampros Labs DAO governance team, composed of @Blueweb, @Euphoria, and Hirangi Pandya (@Nyx), based on our combined research, analysis, and ideation.
We are voting FOR this proposal.
We agree that the best gateway to the DAO is through the Foundation, as highlighted in the following statement from the proposal:
With the transparency the Foundation has provided to the DAO over the past year, we are confident the funds will help the Arbitrum ecosystem grow in the Layer 2 landscape. L2 on Ethereum shall look to grow the entire pie, but who gets what portion of the pie will be decided by the teams working behind each rollup. These funds will definitely provide the required boost in capturing a larger share of the pie.
We would like to recommend Transparency Reports for strategic partnerships over $2 million to give the community better clarity.
Additionally, we support the suggestion from @thedevanshmehta and @JoJo about creating an oversight council to act as an ombudsman for further accountability.