[Non-Constitutional] Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget

The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We’re voting FOR the proposal.

Having discussed the proposal directly with the Foundation, we decided that we have no apparent reason not to trust that they need the additional funds for the reasons outlined in the proposal.

The Foundation has proven to be a valuable asset for both Arbitrum and the DAO, and it makes sense to strengthen the collaboration between the two while enabling the former to execute its mission with some degree of flexibility. Strategic partnerships play a pivotal role in growing Arbitrum’s ecosystem and the Foundation is in a position to leverage them better than the DAO at this point. The opportunity cost of not providing them with the funds to do so could be more than the cost of the requested funds.

Having said that, we want to highlight that the Foundation could better communicate its plans with the DAO and coordinate with the DAO to ensure the funds are used as efficiently as possible on both ends.