[Non-Constitutional] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Venture Initiative

Voting in favor for the same reasons as those for the Snapshot vote ([Non-Constitutional] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Venture Initiative - #14 by 0x_ultra). I also appreciate the efforts to differentiate from other comparable programs.

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Blockworks Research will be voting FOR this proposal on Tally.

Following extensive discussions with @lino, we have decided to support this proposal. Initially, we were concerned about the milestones, particularly the market analysis being conducted independently of the DAO. However, these concerns have now been clarified. We support the pilot phase of this initiative but emphasize that the DAO needs to find long-term solutions moving forward. As this is a period of experimentation for the DAO, we should remain cautious and avoid committing fully to one approach just yet.

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Reaffirming my FOR vote on Tally.

This program has high potential given the low cost to POC and drive valuable data towards building a sustainable AVI program.

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We vote FOR the proposal on Tally.

We maintain the decision on Snapshot and continue to express the support for the program. We are looking forward to the outcome generated by the team and contributors!

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The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

Following our decision during the temp-check, we are voting FOR this proposal. We have already been working with the proposers to make sure this Pilot Phase concludes with a tangible framework for Arbitrum DAO for how to handle investment (if the DAO decides to follow this path in the future, decision on that is a separate issue).

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I voted for this proposal (changing it from the Snapshot).

I support this exploratory pilot phase to probe how a Venture Initiative would fit within Arbitrum DAO, and I look forward to the discussions and findings coming from this.

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DAOplomats voted FOR this proposal during the onchain vote.

The final proposal removed IRL events which we were against during temp check so we were happy to maintain our decision, voting in favor of the proposal.

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Hello Arbinauts!

The results are in for the # [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative | Dhive proposal.

See how the community voted and view the detailed analytics on ⬡ Dhive.Io.

Changed my stance in Tally, and voted “for” for this initiative. I think Lino and his team were able, between snapshot and tally, to address some of the concerns above; the program consolidated and the live presentation in Bruxelles was quite convincing. Curious to see the end result of this first pilot program, not only for the deliverable per se, but also to better understand how the team wants to work on this topic.

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