Arbitrum Ventures Initiative Hub

Welcome to the Arbitrum Ventures Initiative information Hub!

Following the approval of the first AVI proposal on Tally on July 26th, 2024, we are launching the initiative this week. We will provide bi-weekly updates in this thread and use it as a central hub for all AVI-related resources.

About AVI

The AVI (Arbitrum Venture Initiative) is on a mission to develop the structure for an Arbitrum Ecosystem Investment Fund (or nomenclature equivalent).

Though initiated by the Farstar team, AVI is a DAO led initiative that is designed to be inclusive to all relevant groups. It does not commit the DAO to work with any of the current contributors in the management of the structure beyond its establishment.

That being said, we are working under the explicit commitment to produce a proposal under which the team will be available to work full time, exclusively for Arbitrum, in managing the developed mandate or parts of it.

About the AVI Pilot

The primary output of the pilot will be a market-based ecosystem investment thesis aimed to enable Arbitrum to develop a best-in-class approach to a DAO-led Ecosystem Investment Fund. The thesis provide a proposal for how it should be structured and deployed.

This will be supported by:

  • Rigorous understanding of Arbitrum environment
  • Recommendations aligned with Arbitrum’s long term goals
  • Developing an Ops plan for applying the Ecosystem Investment Thesis, Strategy, and Recommendations on next steps
  • Community engagement for DAO accountability and transparency

How to get involved

Several DAO contributors and service providers, including RnDAO, EVM Capital, Elixir, and Areta, are already contributing this initiative. This effort builds upon the work of key delegates who have been proponents of ventures in Arbitrum, such as Coinflip and Krzstf, and on efforts by the GCP and the Arbitrum Foundation. Additionally, the DAO’s best interest is also being represented by Alex Lumley who has been a key contributor since the beginning of the initiative during GovHack Denver.

If you would like to get more involved or consulted as part of the discovery interviews and delegate conversations, please reach out via a DM or reply on the forum here.

And bookmark this thread for fortnightly updates.

Market Consultation

We are also in the process of recruiting the participants for the Market Consultation which is a key part of the first phase. Please promote this registration form to any relevant builders or investors:

Bi-weekly Updates


Update #1
Update #1.5 (Continued)


Good day Arbitrum DAO,

Time flies when building good stuff with good people in the DAO, and we’re excited to present our first forum update since completing the Tally vote. We will be submitting these every two weeks, with every other update aligning with the monthly reporting governance call.

First and foremost, we’d like to thank everyone who has supported us thus far! We appreciate you and would not be here doing what we love without you. We’re committed for the long run, and with your valuable input, we’ll continue striving to provide meaningful contributions to the DAO.

With this in mind, we want to prioritize your input.

As we continue to research the market landscape, please feel free to refer to us (With use of our referral link:

  • Projects and protocols relevant to the Arbitrum ecosystem that are actively raising funds (or planning to)
  • Investment teams that already are, are interested, or are a good fit to be capital allocators in the Arbitrum ecosystem across all stages

Update #1 Tl;dr

Since the snapshot, our initial steps forward have included:

  1. Completing the exchange of the grant into USD (via OTC desk, mid-August) - as promised we returned the excess ARB to the DAO on 27 August.
  2. Updating the original timeline
  3. Discovery and research
  4. Incorporating DAO feedback

Further Details

Timeline Updates:

Since the Snapshot vote, our team has been executing on the pilot, but external factors have led to some delays, such as:

  • A delay in the Tally vote
  • High market volatility (5 August crash) causing uncertainty around receiving the projected budget and leading us to progress with caution on making commitments for spending
  • Reorganization of deliverables to prioritize emerging DAO needs

The timeline now runs until mid-November instead of mid-October. Please refer to this loom for more details. The items that have shifted include:

  • The thesis development workshops being pushed later in the timeline, even though we are actively working on thesis development.
  • Correspondingly, the market consultation interviews will be pushed later to ensure our efforts on structuring, thesis and ops are fully validated with the market.
  • As a result, the end of the pilot is now planned to coincide with DevCon, instead of the mid October date proposed in the Tally vote text.

Discovery and Research Progress:

While adapting to the timeline changes, we’ve emphasized the early stages of thesis development. To date, we have successfully:

  • Conducted over 20 discovery interviews and over a dozen stakeholder meetings.
  • Progressed on thesis framework development, including portfolio construction and analysis.
  • Worked on the market consultation deck and report, which will be used for the interviews in September (The market consultation interviews will provide further input on our primary thesis research.)
  • Conducting secondary thesis research (desk research), enhanced by the primary research (20 discovery interviews).

Incorporating DAO feedback:

To ensure we are in alignment with the DAO’s strategic objectives, we have:

  • Prioritized oversight board discussions input and involvement
  • Worked on drafts of directional snapshot vote and flow of votes in the DAO leading to the setup of the ecosystem fund
  • Brought in contributors to address DAO communications needs that were brought to our attention by delegates in the past month

Budget Actions and Updates

After completing all admin, we received the funds and returned the surplus ARB to the DAO on 27 August.

  • Received 191.7K ARB (MS: 0x9271A08958C0406F59fc0E0510141563A2FFcD28)
  • Liquidated 162.7k ARB for $87k with Wintermute OTC desk
  • Sent excess 29k ARB back (transaction)
  • Project budget became available w/c 19 Aug

We’re updating our budget and plan. So far we are aligned with the approved budget (see Additional Resources below), where we expect that the Project Management line item would become larger at the expense of some of the others ones. This is accommodated by key contributors agreeing to take on more work within the same or lower compensation commitment.

It was also raised that the Tally proposal didn’t make it clear that we’re leveraging resources beyond the key contributors mentioned there. Farstar has over 100 vetted contributors and it’d be impractical to list them all. We are leveraging some of them for project management, copywriting, design tasks, etc. Our understanding of that mandate is that we have discretionary use of the funds provided as long as they are used in alignment with producing the promised deliverables. In retrospect we should have made it more clear in the proposal that there are anticipated costs for other people and their expenses, beyond those listed. Accountability for the end result of course remains with the key people listed on Tally.

The AVI team is happy to offer interested parties detailed spending reports upon completion of the contract and will inform and consult the DAO if there are any substantial deviations from the approved mandate.

Risks and Concerns

We have experienced a delay in the projected timeline due to external factors. As covered by this Loom.

Dynamic DAO developments and their implications for the Pilot

The scope of the pilot has been set with the intention to set up some of the building blocks necessary for the successful operation and decision making around the selection, evaluation and investing in a number of initiatives that were brought to the DAO as well as scouting the broader market to uncover the best possible investment initiatives and operators for the DAO.

At the same time there have been dynamic developments within the DAO that require our attention and a step back, one example being aligning stakeholders towards how Venture should exist in the DAO, and ensuring full structural and cultural alignment with the DAO, incl. oversight board, treasury management, business model and strategy, legal setup of the CapCo.

We have prioritized being actively engaged with these developments all throughout July and August as these are vital factors impacting the success of the overall initiative. The ripple effects of which have impacted the original timeline and led to the reorganization of the timeline, as discussed above.

External implications → Oversight Board / Strategy / Treasury and other financial implications

While this is to be expected in any complex organization, ensuring full alignment with these external factors also represents an external risk. We’ve been working hard to minimize the impact on the project.

Defining of responsibilities
We would like to establish with the DAO that we understand that structuring the vehicle so that the DAO can invest, and the management, allocation and deployment of funds on behalf of the DAO are very separate stages that require possibly different sets of skills and that require separate decisions from the DAO. Our goal for the structuring of the vehicle is to work with the DAO and the Foundation on a structure that’s flexible and scalable for the management team to operate it. We are going to set up an RFP process for the management and active deployment of funds, so that as a DAO we can attract, select and engage the best possible team to allocate capital on behalf of Arbitrum DAO. The thesis, portfolio construction, ops plan and strategic recommendations to be delivered by this pilot are serving key guidance for the structuring of the fund and would be a starting point for the management team.

While at Farstar we are committed to the Arbitrum ecosystem and the DAO for the long run, we do not aim in any way to embed ourselves to run the fund purely because we worked on setting up the structure. For the avoidance of doubt, we started the AVI working group and have been working on the AVI pilot because as a team we are deeply passionate about reducing barriers to entry for founders to build great products in the space and we see Arbitrum as one of the best (if not the best) homes for talented teams.

We are actively working on defining and establishing the balance (and boundary) between how much should be done by the AVI working group (and the Farstar team) now, and which points affecting the execution should be decided by the future leadership of the unit. Our goal is to equip the delegates in the DAO with the knowledge and information to be able to make an informed decision.

September’s Agenda

  1. Begin the market consultation interviews and collating the key insights into a report to update the community with all relevant stakeholder needs.
  2. Continue development of the investment thesis report and validating it with the market.
  3. Produce and collect feedback on key assets, including:
    a. A portfolio construction draft,
    b. A directional snapshot draft.
  4. Stay actively engaged with stakeholders and manage external risks through active participation in programs for the set up of an Oversight Board / Strategy / Treasury, as it directly impacts operational plan deliverables.
  5. Produce educational content for the DAO and ensure it reaches the target audience.

Ask for delegates and contributors

Our primary request for delegates and contributors is to identify and refer projects and protocols relevant to the Arbitrum ecosystem that are actively seeking or planning to seek funding, along with investment teams that currently are or could meaningfully be capital allocators in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Please use our referral link:

Additional reference material:

Talley Vote:

Budget proposal:

Original timeline:


Think there’s a link missing here.

@Vertex_Protocol, you are absolutely right. Our sincere apologies, this is now fixed.

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Hi everyone, we have a few additional AVI updates. The first is that Joseph (Immutablelawyer) has stepped down from the team (read his message here), and we have welcomed three contributors who have started to get involved in various capacities. While their participation has been gradual so far, we’re optimistic about their growing impact over the long run:

  • Niki is now handling project management.
  • Johnny is supporting the development of key artifacts, such as decks and other materials.
  • Sarah is focused on copywriting and editing, particularly for our reports and content related to DAO engagement.

Since we started operating the grant a couple of weeks ago we had a series of discussions with Arbitrum Foundation and delegates to ensure we’re following best practices in its management. Our regular update includes these details, but we are particularly keen to hear any feedback on the budgeting and reporting section, which highlights some of the outcomes of these discussions.

We remain committed to delivering on our promises with transparency and accountability. With this in mind, we are starting to run monthly office hours, the first one of which will be next Wednesday on the 11th from 3pm UTC. The details are available in the governance calendar. We hope you can join us to share your insights and get your questions answered!

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It’s a promising concept, but before moving forward with a proposal like the Arbitrum Ventures Initiative (AVI), it’s crucial to provide concrete examples of how the funds would be invested. Right now, the initiative lacks specifics that could help DAO members evaluate its feasibility and impact. Tangible details, such as which venture capital funds or projects you plan to back, would demonstrate a well-thought-out investment thesis and make the proposal more compelling.

Additionally, this effort should align with other ongoing initiatives in the DAO, such as the M&A group and existing grants programs, to ensure a cohesive approach that doesn’t overlap or dilute resources. It would also benefit from deeper collaboration with these initiatives to create a unified strategy for ecosystem growth. Without these connections and more clarity, the DAO may not feel confident committing to the project​

@kinaArb we absolutely agree with you on both counts.

The purpose of the pilot we are running currently is to exactly achieve those outcomes. More details on its scope can be found here: Tally | Arbitrum | [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative

We would really welcome your more in dept feedback and having you at the office hours next Wednesday.