Hello and thanks for the comment.
I think what I posted above is not necessarily clear, will try to rewrite: what is happening in phase 2 is that, when a project is approved, it has up to 6 months to complete their deliverable. Since season 2, at full capacity, has finished 25 days ago, it means that we have up to 5 months for projects to complete. This explains why the % of completion seems low but is not necessarily low: we have until beginning of may for projects to finish what they promised.
To give the DAO a better sense check of performances, I will take care of updating the numbers before we go to tally (so in a month or so). One other thing that should happen is that @Entropy is looking into auditing some of the projects to allow the DAO to have a better, unbiased view. This won’t encompass all of course, but is should partially highlight if the program went as expected or not.
While I can understand why you posted this due to the misunderstanding above, I would like to reiterate that the volume is not increasing. We had, in previous season, $750,000 per domain over a 6 months period. Having now $1,500,000 per domain over a 1 year period is maintaining the same level, just more extended in time.
(and is also technically less than what we should have had: in season 2, we voted for $1,000,000 each domain, but by the end of Tally voting and conversion we had less, around $750,000 per domain, due to volatility of arb. We decided, after that experience, that $750,000 was likely enough for 6 months to be mindful of the DAO spending rate).
Most of the detox discussion has been around incentive programs and not grants, but I can also understand your point here. One of the perks of the current timeline is that we will vote for tally around the end of January, when the detox period is more than over.
This, sorry, I don’t understand, could you clarify?