OpCo – A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution

We are aware that contributors in the ArbitrumDAO are asking what is the Arbitrum Foundation’s opinion on the proposal and whether we can take on and/or already take on the work that is proposed for OpCo.

Since the birth of the DAO (~20 months ago), we have focused on helping contributors form their own collective identity and enabling contributors to truly have autonomy when executing with their proposals. We have provided ops-related support to help facilitate proposals (i.e. KYC/compliance, investigating misuse of funds, custodying of funds for certain initiatives, serving as the counter party in liaising with service providers, etc.), but it has been narrow in scope.

It is in the realm of possibility for the Arbitrum Foundation to take on additional ops-related work like project management of proposals, but, in our opinion, it is not the best path forward.

With the OpCo, or perhaps another proposal, the ArbitrumDAO has a unique opportunity to stand up on its own two feet, form its own organisational structure, and truly form its own collective of contributors. This is only possible because the ArbitrumDAO has many independent contributors with the willingness to do so.

The OpCo has been in discussion for several months and to date it is the most viable proposal we have seen that enables the ArbitrumDAO to execute on its proposals faster and in a more efficient manner. If done properly, OpCo can become a key component of the DAO’s operations, offering the resources and expertise needed to simplify decision making, improve execution, optimize governance operations, and drive long-term growth and success for the ecosystem.

Of course, while the OpCo may support the DAO’s initiatives, the DAO should remain the ultimate decision maker over the DAO treasury and it should still have the freedom to spin up other initiatives (with or without the support of the OpCo) as it sees fit.