Plurality Labs: Arbitrum DAO x RnDAO Co.lab

The Co.Lab Fellowship Update - Week 5

The Co.Lab Fellowship is the first of two initiatives run by RnDAO for ArbitrumDAO (see second part below). It is a 12 week research program validating major challenges in collaboration tech followed by the Venture Building program where teams build and launch an Arbitrum-based solution together with us.

We’re currently in week 5, and after interviewing potential customers and distilling their insights, Fellows will be reassessing their original problem statement and understanding any implications on their venture strategy.

Introducing Humberto Besso Oberto Huerta

In these weekly ArbitrumDAO Forum updates, we want to dive into the subject matter of each of the Co.Lab research Fellows with an emphasis on how their research benefits the Arbitrum ecosystem.

This week we are focusing on Humberto’s research.

Humberto’s project is centered on micro-credit systems for IRL applications. The objective is to transition a traditional micro-credit business into a Web3 model, which involves co-ownership by workers, clients, and investors, and redistribution of all profits for communal goals. The project aims to integrate web3 technologies like on-chain treasuries, a crypto Mastercard to enable customers to spend their crypto in real time, and a neighborhood banking system into the micro-credit model, along with plans for decentralized KYC and proposal-making on-chain. This project explores whether the application of the DAO model can eliminate pervasive incentives (loan sharks predating on vulnerable populations).

Humberto’s integration of blockchain with real-life financial services, particularly in DAO-based micro-credit systems, directly supports Arbitrum’s goals of financial inclusivity and decentralized governance. Utilizing Arbitrum for micro-credit operations and a decentralized KYC framework, this project could greatly widen access to financial services, aligning with Arbitrum’s vision of financial sovereignty. Here are Humberto’s own blog posts about the program so far on LinkedIn:

Week 1 | Week 2

Selecting a Collab Tech venture for The Venture Building Program

Beyond the fellowships, we are now advancing to the second stage of our grant which is to find a promising Collab Tech venture in which to invest 50K ARB and about the same in hands-on support. We wrote about this in the previous update (see above) but please forward this link to anyone you think might have a project that fits the criteria.

Any questions or concerns? Reach out to me (Daniel) to discuss. We’d love to hear your feedback and how we can deliver even more value for Arbitrum!

What is the ArbitrumDAO Co.Lab and how does it benefit Arbitrum?

The Arbitrum Co.Lab is a venture studio designed to exemplify the aim of the Arbitrum chain to be the premier platform for building crypto ventures. Our specific focus on collaboration tech ventures, apps that improve DAO governance and operational capability, will enhance the network effects of the grant we have proudly been awarded by ArbitrumDAO. By developing advanced research, market-ready ventures and best-in-class DAO tooling, the Co.Lab is designed to attract developers, promote the sustainable growth of the Arbitrum app ecosystem and significantly increase the use of Arbitrum infrastructure.